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MINU'CPS <br />City Council <br />April. l.l., 79F3~4 <br />Coll.ova <br />1louse <br />Rclocati.on <br />(Cont.) <br />D1r. Collova pu:i.nted out. Y_l~at thc CiCy wi.ll benef:i.t by the Caxes <br />collected from rz new itorne on the pr.operty. <br />r4r. Col.l.ova 11so poi.nCed ouC Chat there i.s financing av~i:ilab].e now, <br />and ~ del.ay could l.ose Chat_ Finlnc~ing for him. <br />Mrs, Scal.ze stlted that she would l:il.ce to< the offe;r over. <br />Mr. 0'I3anion pointed out the drai.nage problem on l:he proPerty. <br />P4r. Fahey r.epl:i.Fd thaC the City ~a~i.ll se11 t:his properCy and someone <br />~ai.l.1 probably buil.d on ~it:, <br />Porsber•~; pointed out that thi.e; i., not the onl.y property that Che <br />Ci.t~ is at to sel.l.. <br />Mrs. suggestecl thst the Cit:y take bi.ds on the property in <br />t:wo weel<s. Pahey asiced i.f. anyone in the nci.~;hborhood was interested <br />in Che property. Mr.. 0'731nion repl.ied tl~al theze was interesC in Glle <br />1oC. <br />Pahey cli.d not f.eel ~it was necessary to advertise Che pro~erty for <br />s~.i1e, but su~gested that letters be sent to the surroundin~ proper.ty <br />owners off.eri.nv the prope~cty For bi.d and explai.ning t:he f:i.ll. work <br />that i.s iieedecl. <br />The At:COrney stated Chat tl~i.s would be acceptable as Che Cicy has <br />gone on record as havi_n~; the property for sal.e s~i.nce Dlovember of <br />].933. <br />P4r. Porsber.g suggested thaY. the City malce a counter-vffer to Mr. <br />Co17.ova. 1'orsberg felt that the Ci.ty was playing games aC Col.l.ova's <br />expensc. Forsbe.rp, sCated that the drai.n~~;e problem i.n Lhe <br />area wi11 have Co b~ taken c~.n e of by Che Cil:y. <br />D1r. Pahey suggest:ed that the Counc:i.l. recess into closed session to <br />d:iscuss Che maCter. The meetin~ recessed at 9:05 P.i7. <br />Mrs. inCrocluced Che resol.irt~.i.on and moved i.ts ado~t~i.on: <br />~;rSOLUTI0~1 N0. 84-~E-164 - RECI:SSING THti MP]E'fI~G <br />IN ORDPR TO DiSCiJSS Tfll: NI;Sd OPPFR SUf3N[I'f.TPD 33Y <br />MP.. 'LtICK COLLOVA ON 7'HT,~ DPi~fONT PROP£RTY IN (:LOSISD <br />itiiSION <br />The foz~ep, resoluti.on was dul.y seconded by Mr. 17ahey. <br />Aye, (S), Pahey, Porsb~rp„ Sc~1ze, 1-lanson. <br />NHyL's (O). <br />Resoluti.on 2dopted. <br />Thi_, resolut:i.on appear.s i.n Resoluti.on P,oolc No. 17., Page 7J3. <br />Pa~;e -9- <br />