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t,TD7U'Crs 0~ 'CHt± RI~,GIrI,AR ?nrRTTNG <br />CI7'Y COUA~CIL, <br />I,I7'Ti,P. CANADA, ~4I~1NES0'L'A <br />Apr.i_1. 25, 79f3~o- <br />I?ursuExnt. t:o due ca~l.l. and noti.ce thereol a re~ular meetin~ of t:l~~e <br />Coixncil oE tl~~c ~'~i.ty of,~ Littl.e Canad~, ~4innesota ~oas hcld on Che <br />7_Sth day of. Apri.1, 7.984 :i.n the Coanc'i.1 Chambers of the City Center <br />located at: 575 I,i.ttlez Canada Road i_n said C~ity. <br />Agecida Mcayor Raymond Flanson chair~:d the and callecl 1.t to order <br />Item ~lo< '1 at 7:35 P.T~(. arid the were preserit at rol.l. ca11: <br />t1~;enda i4li~4I3PBS PRI?SEAi7': ?4ayor. ~1r. Raymond Hanson <br />Item No. 2 idr. i~Ci.chael. Pahey <br />Coitnc,i.lman ~?r. Dennis L'orsber; <br />Councilwornan ASr,;. ';[ugs Nardin,i <br />Co~mci.].womari ?1r-s. Beverl.y Scal.ze <br />Ai,>0 Pg1iSENT: Ci.ty Clerlc j[r. Joseoh Chlebed: <br />Ci.ty Attorney Mr. 't'hom~s Swee.ney <br />Ci.ty i;ngi.naer Mr. Donal.d Carley <br />Ci.t_y P1~m~~er Mr. D~ve LichC <br />I:ecordi.n„ Secretary i,Trs. i<athleen Glanier <br />Approvzil t4rs. ind~icated thaG the follocving correcti.ons t~e <br />Of.. 7'~~e m~de to the Aj~ril 11 meeCing m:l.nutes: <br />Nli.n~ites <br />On pais;e 6, Che name "L~toolie" is misspel.7.ecl <br />A~enda aud ~l;~ould be corr.ecCed to "Itool.ey"; <br />Stem D]o. 3 <br />On pa~e 14 i.n C,he discussi.on beY.ween the <br />Counci.l. and 1~Sr.. 1~omer Rector, the waterrnti;i.n <br /> discus,ecl is plann~d for V~i-king Drive <br />~tnd not County Stoad I3-7_; <br />On pahe 19 i.n Che second to t4e ].ast para~;raph <br />i.t ia the 4JatEr i)epurtroent property btzing <br />referred Co and not the ~iTatersY~ed< <br />?e[.rs. ~ar.ciini. introduced Cne resolation and moved ~i_t:s adoptiort: <br />R1;SOI,U'CION P70. E34-4-:1H0 ~- .4PPR.0~~]NG 'CH~; <br />, IIDIiJ"CF,S OF 19~I': APRII. 1 L COU[~'CIL MEE7'IPIG <br />6~CITII 'CII's OUTL:[iII3D CORi2P;C7':f.Oi~fS <br />'Che f:orego:ing resolut,i.on was duly seconded by ~tr, For.,berg. <br />Ayes (5) ~ardini, 1~orsber~, Tahcy, E~lanson, 6calze. <br />itayes (0). <br />Peso1.uti.o^ decl~ared ~dopte<i. <br />Th:is resoluC'i.on appears in Resol.ution I~ook No. 11, Pagc 193, <br />Psge -'l.- <br />