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04-25-84 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
04-25-84 Council Minutes
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'`'~ (:~~U~~r',~ <br />ClC'.y ~;OU11CJ.~. <br />~4pri 1 25, 1.9s~4. <br />[~Inrd[ni. i?s•. l~l;ansori opc~ned the ~>~~.b'li.c h~~irinp on tkae roquost of ~1rs. <br />f.tezoning to rezone her prop~rty on [?emont Avenue, It i; reyuested thlt Lot <br />Pro~~osa7. 4, Blocl< 7., 'I'ro~obrid~;e Ad<(ition be recon~d f,roe~ R-2 eo B-3 and l.ot 5, <br />?~lodc J., 'Cro~abri.dg~~~ Add~iti.on bc rezoned Erom f~-2 to YtJD. <br />Agenda <br />Ttem Tdo, G~ p4r> Fahey asked why bot:l~i 1ot:s were rioC prok~osed for~ 1'l1D zonin<;. F'ahey <br />tho~a~;ht Chat the rurpo,e oL the 1'IJD •; wa, t:o ;; the Ci.t:y <br />controt. over the pronert~/. <br />~1r. l,i.cht, C~i.ty Planner., repl.i.ed that thi_s is an e:cCremely unusual <br />case of ut.i.l.i.zing PiJD zoni.nq. 'Che Planner aslced ho~a muc1~ di_st~nce <br />is nccded t:o creatc buF.~r.erinr;. 'Che Planner po~.ii~iCecl out thaC t:he <br />eastcrl.y l.ot has 1.00 fe~t of IronCage, ancl tl'ierr dirl not_ secm Lo be <br />a need to inten,i.fy Che distance any fucther. <br />Tne PLanner. poi.nLed out tL~Fit if thE~ ciesC¢r_',Ly lot, o,r zi por[ion o[ i.t: <br />is combinecl tl~ie eastcrly 1ot, the Ci.ty would a subdivi.s:i.on <br />of Y_he prooerty a~d can impose controls. <br />~1r. Icicne further stnt:ed Chat if the westerl.y 1ot is Co be used for <br />ad~itional parki.ns~, a condi.t~i.onal use perm,i.t wi.l.l P~e neecled before <br />thi., can h~tppen. <br />Mr. F'ahey stated tkiat iS: the City ap~:~roved Cne rcionin; as pronosed, <br />Nfr. Duray woul.d have a larger parlcin£; lot tLat is zone=,d B-3, ancl <br />could comr iri 1nd rec~uest any '[3-3 use ('or that prope~rCy. Thc Planne:r <br />repl.i.~d e1,~1t was conect and poi.nted out that there woulcl be <br />ei 100 foot beCcaeen Chi., ~ropert.y ~nd Ctie horries. <br />t~!rs. \ asked i.f therce was a distance requi.rement [or ofE-si.te <br />parkinn. 'fhe Pl.a~mer r.e*~l.i.ed Chat as ].on~ as it is not required <br />parking, 4;here i-s i~~o d~i:;tance requi.remenC. <br />!~5r. Pahery ~s1<ed if. T4r. Duxay proposed to put a~rate on the car ~aask~ <br />enCrance to Iceep peopl.e out after houc,. Mr. Duray renlied that <br />th~i.s could be <ione. Duray ~1so as'ced For Counc:il i_npuC as to the. <br />hours oL op<~rati.on f.or the car ~aash. <br />P-Irs. ~Iardini_ repl.i.ed t1~at: t(~e Ci.ty woul.d be able to control th~se <br />i.tems i.mder the °UD zoni.n~;. <br />rqr. Forsberz; noi_nCed otiC tl:~at t.:k~e oCFier car wash on l::ice Street has <br />a 24-~iiour a day oper.ation. <br />M,r. Violleux stat:ec)~ ChaC he ~vou].d r~tller~ see !milt:i~le duael.7.i~os on <br />thc pro~~rty, but woul.d l.ilce the CiCy to have control over the hours <br />oi operati.on of Che c~r w:i,h. Vi.el].cwx requested t~at i.f tPie cse oiasn <br />becom~s a probl~~m, the City could T.hen 1.i.miT, the hours. <br />r^,~rs. Scalze st:ated that Mr. Duray should understand that ~if Che car. <br />~v,ish becomes a or,oblem, the O:i.ty wi11 rey;ulate Che hvurs. <br />P t;e --2- <br />
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