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1•fT~11J7'?:S <br />C,i.ty Counci.l <br />Apr?1 25, 1984~ <br />yl,r. ~i'ahE ~ aslced ~i.'r tl'te~ ~a~i shed t:o d2scuss 1~iusinESS I:i.cF.ns~in;,. <br />l~usi.ness } <br />L~cens; '~Irs. Scal.ze i~oi.nted Chnt t.h~ls ~i.s on ti~e 1~;end~i for i~hc. `_°(ay 9 <br />m~et~.inn. <br />t~°enda <br />7tern No. ~~ ~r.. F'oxsbFrc; stated t.kzat w;ien he brounhc thi.s matte~r up, ~xe just <br />wanted a s~imple 1i.censi.n~; nror_edure. <br />`1r. )?a',Zey sCated that most of the :i.n[ormati.oxi <br />appl~ Co L~ittle Ceinarla. <br />hfrs. Scalze sLat:~cl t~hat. tt~e Ci_~_y imist be ab].e <br />Council w~ill. di.scuss the mat:ter. f.urCher at Ch <br />'Cl~e Cl.erlc r~pori.:ed rhat the s~.i~n ordinance i.s <br />f`or i_he ~e[ay 9 rneeC~i.rt;;. <br />i.n the report <l;d noC <br />Y_o <:nLorce licensi_ng. <br />~lay 9 meeti nq;, <br /> on tl~ie agenda <br />Volw~teer ~lttyor 7-tanson proclai.mect the wee?c of Piay Ei Cturough 12, 1.98G~ as <br />t2e_cognition Vol.unteer ?.tecogrii.Cion ~~7eelc. <br />Gle elc <br />Agenda <br />ICem ~do. 20 <br />SCar City r[rs. Narcl~ini reported that the Gi.ty oL Vadnai, Ilei.ghCS i'iats rece.~i.ved <br />Status Star Ci.Cy ,taCtas. <br />9,n,enda <br />ICem ~lo. ?0 <br />C;ican--Up ~`tr. Porsl'~erf; reporCed tliut tl~e y Department wi_1.7. ha~ie clet:in-up <br />Day ~e~ Sumcner da;~ on Apri.l. 23. Al,o the UCi_li.t:y i;epart:m,~rit's siunrner hours tia:i1.7. <br />Hours be,~i_n tPie week oE Apri]. 30. <br />A;ancta <br />ICem TIo. 20 <br />`4rs. RecL:or Mrs. repori:ed tl,~sit i`drs. tiomer `Zector called her foll.oFririF; <br /> tl~ic ,1.a,[: Council. meel.:~Cnr; to comp7.:i.inenC tne Cotmci.'I.. P4r,. Stector <br />t~on-Af;enda felt thaC Che Counc~i_1 aa, very t:noaiedgeal,~le and was im~resseci <br />T.Cern ~'o. l. wiCi~ i.ts f.~i_rnm;s. ?1,rs, Pect_or te7.t: Ch~t tP~e Cotmcit soas <br /> e;cCr eruel.y kl~urcl-worl<iit~. <br />P~rk Comm~i_ss~i.on <br />?4eeCing P!rs. Scei].tc reported that `H~. ;'ec!< ori.1L donaCe 19.'i feeC of. pronea~ty <br />oark 1and. ?~1r. Pecl< Gii.7.1 trav2 seven lots on one of the nroperty <br />?a ;e -l n- <br />