<br />Cit~ Council
<br />Apri.l. 25, 7.9f;1s
<br />Parlc and pne 1ot; on the other. 'Chcref:orc, Mr. Pec'~ would lilce Co ~cnow
<br />Commi.ssi.on who ~,vil.l ma~f.nt~~in Cl~ie propetrty. Also, T4r. Peck croul<I ].~ike to have
<br />,~~ieccing t:h~ swail put on th~.i.s property.
<br />(Cont.)
<br />W,r. I~i.ch~ sCaCed C~k~aC tl~i.s coi.ild be handled i.n the PIfD.
<br />P-t~se Scalze commenCed that Che Ci.ty coul.d ma~intal.n Chis propert:~.
<br />'dosted `^.rs. Sca1.ze asled ~ano h~id the oconer,n;Lp of th~ ~~iosted holding pond..
<br />°ro;~ert.y
<br />i4r.. 7'orsber~ sC~ted t.l:iat he would mpproech t4rs. P1osCed on tl~i~i.s.
<br />t~lon-~~;end~
<br />I.CCm ~30. 2 ~
<br />Trai_l. l~ids ',~rs. ticalre re~»orted that, the Parlc Coinrii.ssi.on would 1 i..i:e the Ct.ei:~lc
<br />and 'f1i11 Sanders aathor~.zed to ~i~!vert:i.se f.oe 1>i.ds for Extens~i.on of
<br />Non-(~genda tl~e Spooner Par.k Cra~i_1 system Co Aloel. 1)r.ive.
<br />ftem ?v'o. 3
<br />r4r;. ~ardi.ni. :i_ntroduced Che f.ollow~i_ng resol.ut~i.on 2nd moved it, adop[i.on;
<br />F>.r,,so, u~~?or~ rio. u~,_~~._2ot -- T~tsT~ira~-elrrc hrl,r,
<br />snnin~~.~ts n~n •r~~r: c1TV cr,?>ar, ~co a.nv, r,~ rsi, ror:
<br />l,ros ~a!. '~>>r ~~~n~iT, ~i>~o,~osi;r~ rrzo~•~ rrort, r~R1vr.
<br />'r~) 9~n~. RxTS•r7.NCa T':A~tL svs?TM T.N SPOO";:a YnRK
<br />The foreoo~i.ng resoluCi_on ~o-~as d~~1y secondcd by Mr. H,nnson.
<br />~yes (5) Nardi.ni., li~:tn:;on, Scalz~~, •7orsber~;, Fahey.
<br />Nayes (0).
<br />R.esoluti.on cleclared adonGed.
<br />'Cni, resoli.iti.on apne~irs ~in Ftesolut~.ion Pook No, 'l1, Pa~e 217.
<br />!'ark Aencnes ?~[rs. S<.al.ze reported that thc ~Parlc Coi~~mi.ssi_on ~aould li~<e to replnce
<br />' three Senches :in Spooner °a~-ic Chat were v~indatized ~nrl add three
<br />addiC~i.onml. beriches. The cost of the bencl~es is '6~SO each and this
<br />~i[em has bcen budgetcd [or,
<br />7~irs. Sc~tze introcluced th~ f.o11o~•iing; resoli.it~i.on and moved its adopCion;
<br />rir,SOI,lJTIO`1 T10. R/,_[F__~02 - APPROV:fJ~CI T'.?P; P'1"2C'•~IASB
<br />0'i `STX PA 2< <1L.~YCF(f:S E\T .^'.,,? i0 ??l~CI' 1'OR ST,'OO~Pi': P,~RfC
<br />'Che Fore~o:in„; re,ol.~rt~_on eoa.s dul.y seconcled 'ny ~~[r. I~orsber.~.
<br />elyes (5) Scail ze, S^"orsberg, i-!~ttsori, T'nhe~y, Nard~i.ni..
<br />;!a~/es (0).
<br />Re;olution clec7.ared 1d.opted.
<br />`Cx1is resol.~t~.on appears i_n Resolution Poolc No, ll., Pa~r 7_7s3,
<br />PaYe --;1.9--
<br />