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t~t~r.ri:!~z'cs <br />City Counci.l <br />Rpril. 25, 198~o- <br />Lawcon '~'~te Par~c Co~nm~i sion woiilc~ 1iLu 'il1 SnnclE.~~ Py ~>ocietL~s a!ithoriz~d <br />Gr2nt.s Lo pre~~re LP.G(COrI Greant tpp'L'i~at.i-ons For noss~ble ~Eundir~5; for LSe <br />nurciiase of paric ~~~ropcrty. <br />`1rs. ~~~ar< ~i.ntroduced tne fu'Lloroint; resoluCi.on and mov<~d i.ts fldopti.on: <br />R_SOI,t17'"[Oil !IU. $4-4-7p3 - A?'PFOVL~~f~ i;"I:t~L <br />SA^lqe,F;S & ASSOCTA9~ ; n,,>~{p~:'I:~dG GR~'~~' t\PPI. CC/1T"[0~1 <br />F03..1.~ P!1~: 4?(1.`iiTt~T~F i,A•:/Cil\ Ai.^>Ti'CAPCT;, "Ii! H7I:C~;~i:f.n7r; <br />p~l~':~ PRf)1>1;12"!'Y <br />,C'ne. f.ore~f;oin; resoluti.on was du1}~ ;econr~ed by ?,4rs. 8cala,e. <br />Aycs (5) '~', Scalze, „tmson, T''ahey, ~'orsberp< <br />i~laycs (o)- <br />RrsoliU icm dec 1 are~t a~lopt:ed. <br />fYi~i.s r~ sol.uti.oit apper~ie ~ i.n 12esoluCion '3oolc n!o. ll, Pa„e 2.7.9. <br />~~~{~.a~i As L'ne nar?c pttoperCy on 7,~lce Str,eet~. a~id LaL<osliore Avcriue w~is <br />t~i:i.ldlife. donaced by t.-.lie ~I~ideau f:am:ily, tk1c; Parlc Commi_ss-i.on is, <br />&. ?lature, Chat ~ti:i_s pronert~~ be namcd N~ideau ~J~i.ldl:if.e 6 Nature Area. <br />Area <br />,~irs. ^orsberg introdaced tl~e tolloorLn; resolucion and moved ~Lts 2dopCl.on: <br />~Zr;SOi.,IJ'CI.f)?1 ~ir~, ~;l~_[_2.OG. _ APi>~~~~/~~r, ~~?ll?, r'A?41"'. <br />Cl ~iADi?p1ll ~I1.i,DL,IT:~~A~7D t~A1U*ZP t\".''A Ai 'r~{~~ Tdr1~51s <br />0~~ 'C?IT Pn3ti ON L~_.}. .'('RT!,~'f tADlJ) I.,~<TlS':{ORP AVI.`ItiP: <br />The foregoinf; resoluti.on cras dul.y seconded by':?r.s. <br />~1yes (5) ForsUern,, i'.ihey,, }i=~nson. <br />Tlayes (0). <br />~~~~~so'Luti.on dec7ared aci.opted. <br />9'his resolt.ih.~on appc:~rs i.n ?:esoluc.ion ~'Joolc Vo. 11, ~''~ige 220. <br />Ad~oiArn ^".e. ~~ahey :i.ntroduced tkie [o11.owi_ng>, resolut;i.on and moved its ~.idopt~ion: <br />1?P60LUTI0^? N0. ?3~E-~+-205 - ADJOD4NT'NG <br />The tore~oin„ r?,>n weis dul.y seconded bp :'4r. H.Znson. <br />Aye, (5) Fal~iey, .'.anson, -~orsber~, Sc~lze, iVar< <br />~tiy.r., (0). <br />n~,,~7iq,i.on dc~l~irecl xdo7~tec1. <br />Chis rrso7.ution 2T>pE ir~; :tn itesoluci.on 1~oo'c No. 1.1., vi~;e 221e <br />P~ge ._2p- <br />