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'~fI".!1'i'7:S <br />Ci.ty Counci'I. <br />April 25, 1.R8G~ <br />p~ardirig- 'vtrs. ? stated tl~iat:, thesc detail.s would be wor.~lcc:cl ouC Co t~ie <br />72ezoning 1'eterson' , s~ti_s,facc:i.ori. <br />(Cont,) <br />i~4r. ,~~orsberg pointed out-thac t11e ,wail takes tt~e. fronCage oE th~e <br />lot do~~rn to 90 t'eet: and as'<ed i_f: t:he pr.oposal would fiC on f:tie <br />l.ot wi.t:h this frontage. <br />7'he nlanner au~gest:ed ChaC the swu:i.l coul.d bF, moved beCwe¢n the <br />parlc4.n~; 1ot: an<~ car wasli. ~Ir. P'ahey pointed ouC Chait th~: nei.ghbors <br />want Che s~.vail. where i.t is as it vri.11 provide more ~reen area. <br />Mr. Duray aslced if i.t were ~~ossi_bl.e to pipe t;he s~aa:i1. The ^.n~;i.ncer <br />repli.ecl tViat it m~oi.ild he nos,~ibl.e. <br />'~~(r. Duray also stat.ed thaC he could mailce the car wash si..~ bays and <br />Ct~ri.s caould elimi.ntite 7.5 t'eet: from the <br />PSrs. Chnt if the swai7. were~piped, the fence could <br />he. on t:op of i.t. <br />i4r~~. Scalze i.nCrodi.~ced Che fo1].owing x~esolution and. moved its adc~ption: <br />)3ESOLl1'CIO'~! P10. 84-4-187. - CLDS7NC Tl~li <br />P1Jp,I..IC; !-1P~f2i"?G Ot~l THP; NAKDSAII RL;70~lING <br />PROPOSAT <br />7'he ,f;ore~; resoluti.on was duly seconded by N[r. Porsberg. <br />Ayes (5) icalze, i'orsberg, 1-lanson,, L'ahey. <br />N~ayes (0). <br />Reso7.i.ition decLared adopted. <br />T}iis resol.uti.on appears in Reyo1.uti.on 73001< Plo. 11, Pa;ye 195. <br />t4rs. Scalze introduced Che ,fo9.lowinp, resolution and moved i.ts adopti.on: <br />RESOLU'L:f.ON N0. £3~r-4-1f32 - RP'I.~NID1C,' L07' 4, <br />~BLOCK 1., TROtJ13RIPG7; ADDS'CI.ON F~'ZO"( R-2 'CO <br />~;_3 <br />t'he f.ore,oi_ng resolut_io~t caas du7.y seconded by C4r. Forsber~. <br />Aye> (4~) ,~Scalze, T'orsber~;, PaFiey, Fl.anson, <br />layes (0)< <br />~(rs. Nardin,i absC~nined. <br />Rcsoltiti.on decl:.ired adopted, <br />T.hi, resoluC7.on appears i.n ftesolut~ion 73oo1c ~toa 11, V~pe ].96. <br />Pag,e -~E- <br />