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~?(INUTt:S <br />City Cuunc:i.l <br />April. 25, 19£~~~ <br />~lard~.n:i <br />T;cron i.n~, <br />(Cont.) <br />i~rs. Sc21ze i_ntroduccd the resolution and moved i.ts adoption: <br />nF.;SOLt17'IOPi PIO. 'cS[t_[y-1&3 - f~IIT?IOR:[Z,T.NG 'CHr'. <br />CTTY 6~T'I'ORpI`,Y 'CO P`:F.PAI?l; A~I ORl)7NA61CR p}; <br />RP'7.,Oi;TN(; FOIZ I,0'~' G~, ~iLOC?C 1, 'C201•7`3R7D~E <br />~~on~[~~ r.on~ <br />'Che f.oregoin~; resolution was duly ,econded by 14r. Por>ber~;. <br />Ayes (/s) Scalze, Forsber,e,, ltanson, ~f.'al~iey. <br />playes (Ol. <br />i~4rs. T]zlrclini abstaii.ned. <br />Resol.ution declaeed adoptcd. <br />'Chi.s resolution ~ippears ;i.n Resolution I3ook [do, 11, Y~if;e 197. <br />Mr< T`orsberg .i.nt:roduced the Followin~ re~olution and moved its adopti.on: <br />RFSOLU',I'i0N N0. S4-~i-184 - APti~RO~/ING 7'I~IE <br />P,PZODIIN~; pP I..07' S, BIACK 1., 'PIZ03~IYiI2~IDC1: <br />AllDI'I'ION FROM R-2 'CO PtID <br />'Che foregoing resolution ~aas duly 3econded by i'Nrs. 5cail.ze. <br />Ayc.s (4) Sca1.2e, Porsberg, llar~son, 1'ahe.y. <br />iQayes (0). T.4rs. Nardini abstai.ned. <br />Rcsol.uti.on decl.azed adopted. <br />7'hi.s re,olut~ion appears i.n Resolut;i.on I~ook No. l.l., Page l.9£~. <br />[vir. )~orsbcrg ;i.n[rocluced tt~e r<esoluCion and moved its adopCion: <br />RT:SOLU'CION N0. 84-_4-155 - AU'f.71.ORI7,IVG 'ild:; <br />C:C7'Y A7'TOP.NEY 'f0 PP.T31?AR77 A Ri3LON:CNC <br />ORDIN~NCL 1~OR LO'C 5, 13LOCK l, T'?201dS~2TDGr; ADD~[1'ION <br />Peterson & <br />Vei.7.l.cux <br />P.ezoni.n~;s <br />Agendn <br />Item No. 5 <br />The foref;oin~; resoli.iti.on ~aas duly secondccl by Pir. H~inson, <br />Ayes (4) 7?or.sberg, }lmnson, Sca'lze, Pahey. <br />Diayes (0). Mrs, abstained. <br />ResoluCi.on declared adopte<1. <br />Tliis reso]uCi.on appelrs in 2eso7.ut:l.on P..~oolc Dlo. 11, Page ].99. <br />~[r. N,anson opened the, pub7.ic l'ie.nring on the p,ro~~osed rezoni.i~if; oE <br />the Hazel °eterson ~nd ,iiro Veilleux properties from R-3 to Rl;. <br />7'here was no one i~~resent oP>jecCi.n; to tkie rezon:tngs. <br />14r.. Forsberg ~i.ntroduced the fo:l].oi~ring res~lution and m.oved its adoptiona <br />Pa~e -5- <br />