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r~ cr!trx',;s <br />City Counc'i.l. <br />Apri1 ?_5, 19H4 <br />Emp,on i~1r. T,icht poi.nted out_ t1~ai: Mr. Em~~son ~aas concer.necl because of <br />~1atter a council. resol.ut~i.on regarclin~ v~r.iarices i.n this area. 21r. Licht: <br />(ConC.) stated Chat he sasa no just~.ification Lor a var-iance for a suostandacd <br />7.oe in thi.s ce.i>e as tJ~ere i:~ t:},~e 'land available to bring Ghe ].oC <br />to 10,00q square f.eet. <br />T4rs. Scalze. tl~~aC she tlioughC thaC Resol.ution Dlo. 83-6-274 <br />dealt. eaith ~Ir. I3ehr's nroperty as }zis property ~aas ,nade. <br />because tl~e Ci.ty jog~ed the ro~d. Mrs. ica].ze chou~;ht that <br />Mr.. Johnson was ~~ai_d f:or hi.s pror>erty. <br />Scalze >t1Ced that the vari~nce thait woul.d be a7.7.owed on t:he Be M- <br />property t:~ould be for a f.ronC yard setb~~clc and Ch,.zC she d~id not <br />recaLl any variance di.scussed for mi.ni_mum lot size. ~ <br />P4e. J,~i.cht i.nLormed the Coi.~nc~i_1 that: he also i_nformed Mr. i?mp,on <br />r_hat the C~ity coi.ild not assure, him i:hat a house bui_1t on L,ots <br />?_1 through 24 be more thnn 10 feet f.rom tlie si_de yarcl. <br />Licht a1,o reporCecl that i.t w~s su~gested Co P4r. I?mpson thst hc <br />»urchase Lot ?1 in order to have over it. <br />Mr.s, Nardi.rii. anreed Chat ~i_:E there is enou,n,}~t pr.operCy t:o have a <br />1.0,000 squarc Eoot l.ot, then t:here ;is no just~if~icaLi_on Eor a <br />variarzce. ?~4r. 'f.~ahey a~;reed. '~ahey poi.nt:ed, k~owever, thait <br />some Counc7.7. do~on the could ch~in~;e tlie roini.mum square <br />foo[age requirement or setback requ:i.eemenCS or even s;rant a <br />v~ri.ance. tifr. I~'ethey stat~d that Che c~.irrent Counc:i.J. ~i.s not <br />:i.nc1.ined Co ;r~nC a v~zriance, but 1.C cemnot guarantee anytnirip,. <br />ill~mnes Mr. 11an>on opened the public kiearing on t];ie I,Cimrnes request foe <br />Pro~osal J?~JD zoning i.n oeder to construct: a;eira;e on h~is property. <br />~„enda P~1r. ?'ahey poini:ed out that the 7?l~nni.n~; Comm~ission [abled th~ <br />Zten~ P!o. 6 rnltCer pencli.n, the outcome o£ the public P1hcy staCCd <br />ti~at C1~e Coi.mcil shoul.d ho7.d the publ.ic hearing and tPien refer <br />the matGer b~cl< to the ??].~nning Commissione <br />T'here were no ob;jectors presenC to the 7<-i.mmes pr.oposal.> <br />t~irs. Scalze 1,ke~.d ~ahy i~!r. K~immes d~id not spl.i.t the propert~ i_n <br />order that: the prooosed ~~ra~e be on thc same l.ot ,as n~i.s bustiness. <br />>calze stated Chat the b~nck end of; the properC~ could be spl:Lt <br />vff to this. <br />~Ir. Kimmes stated Chnt h~ was not, oppos~,.d t:o tl~~is. Kimmes sCated <br />t1~1t the Planner su~;geste<l tl~e PtJP <br />}'~i,~' -~-- <br />