T,4I?llt'f f'sS
<br />Ci.ty Counci7.
<br />Apr:i.l 25, 1.984
<br />I?eterson & RfiSOLU7'ION r10, ~3~F-4-].E36 - CLOSiT?G THF,
<br />Vei.lleux POY,LTC 11FAR[NG 0?7 '1'~':'i P?,'I'!i?ZSON AND
<br />Rezoni_n~;s V;i~I,L13lI:Y. P1tOPOS13D °T:01?J:R'I'Y ~'I~:"l:,0A7NGS
<br />(Cont.)
<br />T'i~e ~ae•e<;o'i.n~ resolut:~i.on aa; duly seconded by `~lr;;. N~~r.dini>
<br />Aye; (5) Porsbert;, Nezrd~.ni., Flanson, Scal~<~a, Pahey.
<br />~laycs (0?.
<br />Resoli.~ti_on decl.arecl adopted.
<br />T9~is re,o~.iiC~ion appears i.n P,esolut~i_on 13oolc No. 11, Page "L00.
<br />hir. ?7.ar~son sGat~d that kie o?as not rouch ~i.n f.avor o.f. the rezon~ing as
<br />it const~i_GUted spot zonin,n,. 1?owevcr, ~s L:l~~e ;313 zonin,..~, w~i.ll. al.low
<br />,1xs. Veterson or Ntr. Ve-it7.eux to <2dd on to their k~ouses, he woul.d
<br />voCe in f~vor oP the reroni.nn.
<br />n[r. Fahey i.nt~roduced the folloor~in~; resol.~ition and moved ~i.ts adopt:t.on:
<br />RP,SOI.ItT10N i40. 8~4-~o--1.87 - APPROVfNC 'tkl?3
<br />12E'l,ON ID1G OF TI~tE VEILI,',?UX ANt) PI'.'1'1;12>ON
<br />1?ItOPF,RTIi;S P'itO?;[ P-3 'CO Jt'3
<br />Thc f:or.e~oi.ng resolut:ion raas dul.y seconded by Mrs. Nardi.ni.
<br />F1yes (5) '.3anson, Narcti.ni_, Pahey, Scalze, I'or,berg.
<br />Nayes (0).
<br />Resoluti.on declarecl aclopted.
<br />T?ii.s resoluCion apper.irs ~.in Reso].ut:i_on ~E3ook Alo. 11, Yage 701.
<br />~4rs. ~~Ia,rdin~i ~introduced Che fol].o~.ai.n; resolut~ion aud movecl iCS acto~t.ion;
<br />'RE60LUTID~~F ~IO. 534-4~-1&'fl -- AUTI~IDRJZ.ING 7'ITE
<br />ON T'r113 PPTTiRSO;! AD'D Vr:[i.,L,Iit.IX PROPF,R7'IES
<br />'C}.ie foregoi.n<; resol.uti.on was dul.y s~conded by P4r. liox•sber3.
<br />Ayes (5) Nardi.ni, I'orsberg, Clan;on, Pxhey, Scalze.
<br />Na~es (0).
<br />Resoluti.on clecl~red adopt:ed.
<br />This reso1.ut~.l.on <appears in P.esolui_i.on I3ool,c No. 11, Page 202.
<br />Thnpson Mre Li.cht reporCed th~t Mr. },mpson hn, purch~sed LoCS 17 throu;h 20 on
<br />N(at:ter ?arlc Steee t and plans to bui.~ld an earth-shelt_erecl house. 7'hEy are.
<br /> concerned abouC sol.ar ~ccess and bei.ng shi.elde.d .from the stm by any
<br />A~enda home th.at is ~uilt. on 1ot> 21. through 25.
<br />Ttem No. 9
<br /> Tmpson asked if~ Che Ci.ty would a1l.o~a devel.opment on 7.ohs 71 tl~rough
<br /> 23, wl,ii.ch would consi.st of onl.y 8,600 square .f.ee t with 75 Leee frontage.
<br />PaBe '-6-
<br />