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Mznu~rs <br />c~cy c~Un~~.~ <br />May 9, 19II4 <br />l3ri.ct~e Mrs. Scalze again asl<ed why Little Canada shonld have Co pay this <br />Idi.dening cost. <br />(Cont.) <br />Mr. Van t3erlcom explained that the Pederal p,overnment wi1.l. piclc up <br />90% of the cost of the brid~e wi.deni.n~;. The cost oE the worlc on <br />Country Drive would be shared 50-50 between the City and Che County <br />as cvell as Che cost of: the worlc on Center.v:il.le Road. It is possible <br />that the worl< on Country coulcl fa11 uncler the 90-].0 <br /> the Federal Government, but Van f3erkom was not sure of this <br />yet. <br />Van I~erlcom explai.ned that the majority of the cost to the City would <br />come f.rom traff.ic signal.s proposed for Country Drive and Centerville <br />Road. The Ci.ty's share of this coould be aUout $50,000 and the <br />$7,000 would be the City's share i.n the rest of the pr.oject. <br />The traffi.c si.gnals would be 50-50 between the County and the <br />City. <br />t4r. Van f3erlcom statecl that: he thou~ht tktat the traffi.c signals would <br />be needed to malce the project <br />~rs.Scalze aske<t iL the signal on CounY.ry Drive could be paid f.or <br />£rom State Aid funds. The Engineer replied that this may be possiUle. <br />Mr. Van 13erlcom explained to the Counci.l. the changes proposed far <br />Country Dr~ive and CentervilLe Road. <br />Mrs. Scal.ze pointed out that the Ci.ty never aslced for the freeway to <br />be built and she had a problem with the City's to particS.paCe <br />in the cost of this project. Scalze pointed out that if the bridge <br />was put i.n tociay, a 4-lane bri.d~;e wouid aut.omatically be put in. <br />Mr. Van I3erkom repli.ed that at the time the bridp,e was built~ i.t was <br />adequate. <br />P1r. Pahey asl<ed if other parti.cipate i.n T.hese lcinds of <br />improvements. Mr. Van J3erkorn repLi.ed that they do. Van I3er.lcom <br />also potinted out that the Ci.ty has plan approval. <br />Mr. rahey f.elt that the project woul.d Uenefi.t the City. <br />Mr,. Scalze di.d noC feel. it was fai.r. that the Ci.ty had to pay some of <br />Che costs. <br />Mr. Van Tlerlcom poi.nted out that the Federal ~overnment will pay 90% <br />of the cost ancl that: mosC of the benef.i.t will. be to the people <br />the freeway. <br />Mrs. Nard:ini pointed out that i.f: the people of Vactnai.s Hei.ghts were <br />not using this bri.d~;e~ t~vo lanes would be adequate for. the Ci.ty. <br />Page -13- <br />