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MtNU7'33S <br />City Council <br />ylay 9, 198~E <br />ICenne 1 <br />I,i.cense <br />(Cont.) <br />not feel the nei.ghbor's well. would be effected. <br />Mr. Porsber~; pointed out that sanitary conclitions outl.ined in the <br />ordinance must be complied f:or a kennel. ].i.cense. <br />Mrs. Scal.ze introcluced the f.ollowi.n~; r.esoluti.on and moved its adoption: <br />RL'SOLUTION N0. 84-5-217. - 'Tfi(3LING ACTION <br />ON THE RAYMOND KFNPIEL LICI'sNSE UNTIL COUNCIL <br />CAN REVIPW THE CODE <br />The resolution was duly seconded by Mrs. <br />Ayes (4) Scalz,e, Nardini, }lanson, Porsberg. <br />Nayes (1) Pahey. <br />Resolution declared adopT.ed. <br />Thi.s resoluti.on appears in Resolution I~oolc No. 11, Page 227. <br />Mrs. Scalze requested that Council be given a copy of the Co<le. The <br />City Clerk repl.iec( that he woulci put this on the age.nda f.or the <br />M~y 23rd <br />I.,i.ttLe Canada The City Clertc commented that Mr. Krejci. of. the I,itCte Canada Day <br />Day Care Care feels that the Ci.ty appr.oved his building addi.tion, and the City <br />recor.ds show that the matter was t:abl.ed. <br />Agenda <br />Item No. L1 Mr. flanson pointed out that the Bui].din; Inspector wi.l.l not accept <br />the letter f.rom che State unless i.t i.s on State Stationery. <br />The City Attorney repli.ed that the agreement has not been approved <br />by the School Distri.ct. The problem lies in who ~oilt pay the legal <br />f.ees of. the School Distr.ic <br />Mrs. Scalze aslced iE the Park Charge has been paid. The Clerlc bel:ieved <br />that it has. <br />Mrs. poi.nted out that has been doT~ ~at~oa t the handicapped <br />exit and also pointed out that the 13rinlcman li.quor%7-`I~ce~se is <br />up for renewal. consideration. <br />The Cl.erlc commenCed that this, too, i.s awaiting xi}~proval. of the <br />School <br />t~lrs. Scal.ze commented that the Rri.nlcman's should be informed that their <br />liquor li.cense is coming up for renewal and the exit matter. should be <br />resol.ved by that time. <br />Page -17- <br />