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rizNUTrs <br />c;.~y c~t~„ci~. <br />May 9, 1984 <br />Nardini <br /> <br />Agenda <br />Items No. <br />12 and 7.3 <br />The City Attorney presented to Che Council for appr.oval an ordi.nance <br />rezonin~; Lot 4, 731ock 1, Trowbri.dge Acldi.ti.on from R-2 to I3-3. <br />Mr. Porsber.g i.ntroduced the ordi.nance and moved i.t:s adoption: <br />0121~INANCE N0. 224 - AMENDIVG TftP ZONING CODF <br />OP 7'tlF CITY OF LIT'CLL: CANADA 'CO PROVIDE; Ck1ANG1',S <br />IN 70NING CLASSIPICATION <br />The fore~o:in~ ordi.nance was duly seconded by ffir.. F(anson. <br />t\yes (4) Porsberg, Hanson, £ahey, Scalze. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Mrs. Narciini_ abstai.ned. <br />Ordinance decl.ared adopted. <br />The Attorney presented to the Counci.l for approval an ordinance <br /> Lot 5, T~loclc 1, 'Crowbrid4;e Addit:ion Erom R-2 to PIJD. <br />Mr. Porsber.g introc3uced the [ollowing ordinance and moved its actoption: <br />ORD~INANC~ N0. 225 - AMENDING TH1; 7,ONING CODF <br />OP THE CITY OP LITTLE CANADA TO I>P.OV7.DE CI-IANGES <br />IN 70N:[P1G CLASSIPICATION <br />The fore;oing ordi.nance was duly seconded by Mr. Itanson. <br />Ayes (4) Porsberg, Hanson, Pahey, Scal2e. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Mrs. Nardini abstai.nect. <br />Ordinance cleclared adopted. <br />Veilleux The Attorney presented to the Council. for approval an ordinance <br />Rezoni.n~; rezoning the West 100 feet of the East 200 f.eet oI Lot 10, Bl.oclc 2, <br />North naric Addition, the Vei].l.eux property, f.rom A-3 to RB. <br />Agenda <br />Item No. l~f Mr. Porsber~ introduced the ordi.nance and moved i.CS adopti.on: <br />ORDINANCT; N0. 226 - AM~NDSNG THE 2,ONING CODE <br />OP TI~IE CITY OF Li1"LLE CANAI)A TO ]?ROVIDP CHADiG13S <br />IN .7.ONING CLASSIPICATIOPI <br />The ordi.nance *aas duly seconded by Mr. ltanson. <br />Ayes (5) Porsberg, Itanson, Nardini, E~'ahey, Scalze. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Ordi.nance declared ~dopted. <br />Page -1£3- <br />