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MINIJTPS <br />City Council <br />D4ay 9, 19ii4 <br />Pates Mr. Dennis Peck appeared bef:ore the Council final plat <br />Addition app roval f.or the Pates Addi.tion. PSr. Peck reported that Chey would <br />Pina1 dee d over Lot 7 to the City as Cheir paric charge. Mr. Peclc aslced <br />Approval if the City would then maintain this property. <br />Agenda Mr. Peck reported Chat they wi11 be drai.nage <br />Item No. 6 in the area and on Lot 7. Mr. Peclc expressed concern that when <br /> the Lot i.s deeded over to the Ci.ty that they be allocaed to construct <br /> the stivail through it. <br />P1r. Gl.anzer reported that the Ci.ty would have no problem maintaining <br />I,ot 7. <br />The City Clerlc stated that the Ci_ty could give Mr. Peck an easement <br />on Lot 7 in or.der to construct Che swaiL Mrs. su~;gested <br />that the swail be constructed and then the l.ot deeded over to the <br />City. <br />Mr. Pecic stated that construction woulcl start in tcao or three weeks <br />along with construction of the so~ail. <br />Tkie ~ngineer stated that the swail could be constructed and then <br />the property platted. <br />Mr. Forsberg i.ntroduced the Lollowing resoltttion and moved i.ts adoption: <br />RESOLU'I.'ION N0. 84-5-209 - GRANTING PINAL, APPROVAL <br />TO TI-IE PA7'ES ADDITION S[JI7JF.CT 'PO APPROVAL BX TI~IE <br />CITY PNGINEER AND CITX ATTORNIiY <br />The fore~;ozng resol.uti.on was duly seconded by Mrs. Scalze. <br />Ayes (5) Porsber.~, Scalze, Hanson, Pahey, Nardin:i. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resol.uti.on declared adopted. <br />'f.hi.s resoluCion appears i.n Resolution Book No< 11, Page 27_5. <br />Dletro Council Mr. Chucl< Wiger, the City's representative on the P~Ietropol.i_tan Council~ <br />Chuck bdiger appeared bef.ore the Counci.l to <liscuss any concerns that che City <br />mighr. have. <br />Agenda <br />Item No. 7 S4r. Wiger stated that he met with the Council last year and the major <br />concern at that w~s Che lake overfl.oo~ situaCion and assessment to <br />the suburbs. Mr.. 6diger st_ated that this has been his number one concern <br />and top priority. <br />Mr. i•7iger explai.ned that ther.e was a miscaiculati.on oI $2 milli.on <br />on the purchase of the middle belt l.ine. <br />Page -9- <br />