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rsl.~vuT~s <br />Ci.ty Cotmcil <br />M~y 9, 19~a <br />Zmp. 84-10 Mr. I3use suggested Chat he get Cogether ilr. Ke11y and his <br />(Cont.) buyers in the next 30 days and discuss the matter. <br />Mr. klyland also requested that the oalc tree i.n the area be preserve<1. <br />Mr. Hyland also disputed Mr. Ileinel's comments on the i.mpact of <br />power li.nes. <br />Mr. I'orsberg stated that if the matter is tabled,the Council should <br />not malce any decision wi.thout notifying the property owners in the area <br />that the matter. is being consi.dered. <br />Mrs. Scalze pointect out that the City's Comprehensive Plan i.ndicates <br />this area £or Lurther study due to soil conditions. Mrs. Scalze felt <br />t:ha[ the Council should not Lose sight of thi.s. <br />Mrs. Nardi.ri int;-oduced the fo ll.owing resolution and moved its adoption: <br />RF.SOLUTION N0. 54-5-207 - CLOSING TH~ PIIBLIC <br />HL'ARING ON IMPROVEM]:NT N0. 84-10 <br />The f.oregoing resoluti.on was duly seconded by Mr. Forsber.g. <br />Ayes (5) L'orsberg, Aanson, Scala.e, Fahey. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolution declared adopted. <br />This resolution appear.s in Resoluti.on I~ook No. 11, Page 223. <br />Mrs. Nardini introduced the resolution and moved its adoption: <br />RP.SOLUTION N0. 84-5-20£3 - TA33LING ACTION OP] <br />IMPROVF.MPNT N0. 84-10, T}IL IMPROVEMENT OP DESOTO <br />STRELT FROM ALLEN TO C~NTERVILLE ROAD, UNTIL THF <br />JUNE 27, 1984 COiJNCIL MEETING AND INSTRiJCTING TIIE <br />CITY ENGINEER TO REASSESS TtIE DCV~LOPMFNT OP DESOTO <br />PROP4 ALLIiN TIIROUGH LOT 19 WIT}t A PRIC6 PL,R PRONT <br />POOT POR A 6-TON ROAD <br />The foregoin~ re.solution was duly seconded Uy Mr. Hanson. <br />Ayes (5) Nardini, hanson, Pahey, Porsberg, Scalze. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolution decl.ared adopted. <br />This resolution appears in Resolution Boolc No. 11, Page 22~N. <br />Mr. Pahey aslced Mr.. if he would Ue wi.llting to discuss the sale <br />or dedicati.on of a str.ip of his industrial property for park purposes. <br />Mr. Ke11y stated that he would be to do so. <br />Pa~;e -8- <br />