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~Tritrrrs <br />Ci.ty Council. <br />r4~y 23, 1~H4 <br />Larry Lee i'~ayor Hanson opened the public hexrinp on the proposecl rezoning <br />J?roposed by 0. Lar.ry Lee of. oroperty on South Owasso 1;1vd. ~Erom R-7. to <br />Rezoninp, I.i~;ht <br />Agencla Mr. I~ee the Council. ehat hc~ ~ai.l.l be; property <br />ICem Pio. ~F Mr. and i~irs. locl~i in order t:o square off. Che locPi pronertq, Lee <br />wi11. also be a uti7.iCy easement of ].0 ,F,ect through to <br />Conclui.t, <br />P~[r. I,,a.e reported thaC hee propos~d to develop his property wi.t:h 7 <br /> bui.l.di.ngs serviced by a 48Q foot cu7.-de-sac. Tl~e properYy <br />consists of anproximatel.y 20 acres. <br />Mr. L~ee reported th~it i~f hi.s is anpr.ovecl, P1r. Loch wil.l. <br />be a rezoni.ns; of h:i.s prn~erty. <br />t4r. ]~orsb~:r~ aslced iS the `l,ocl'i property were rezoned, buC tPie t~se <br />remaa.ned the same, woiil.d the property taxes also rem~.ii.n Che same. <br />D1rs. Scal.z.e st:ated that tkie Ci.ty coul.d not ~;ive assurances of t:hi.s. <br />Mr. [idcaard Nadeau aslced about the efEect of thi.s <br />development on Conduit StreeC. i'4r. sCated that he would noC <br />be Conduit> Lee stated Chat he did noC Chink <br />oeo~le ~vould be usi.n~; Condui.e. Street to access h~i.s devel.opment. <br />Mr. Forsber~ pointnd out that. i.f: the 7,oc,h property is rezoned, <br />then Condtiit i~ovlcl become an Sndust:ri~l street:. <br />~1rs. Scalze poi.nted. out Cheit tkiere are somc ni.ce singl.e famil.y <br />homes in thi.s area. <br />i4rs. 8ougie staCed that:. she fe1.C thae the area should ei.ther remai.n <br />a7.t. resident;ial. or be rFZOned to all i.ndust~cial. Bougi.e sLated that <br />she wanted l}i<a area t:o remain res~ident:ial, to start caith. <br />N[r. Nadeau ast<ed if Condui.t ha<t to be ~oidened to srrvi.ce the <br /> traff:i.c if the nomeoti~ners i.n the area would be accessecl <br />f.or thi.s. Mrs. Scalze staCecl that it has been the Ci.ty's }~oli_cy <br />to assess the benefited properties. <br />'Che En~i.neer pointed out tJaat the widCh o£ Che pavemenC on Conduit <br />i.s about 70 feet and t:he r~iFht-of.-wray ~i.s 33 feet. <br />D4r. Nad~au f.e1t C}iat the only one beneEitin~ ~in the area ,f,rom th~ <br />rezoninQ would be Larry Lee. "~Ir. ror.sberp, stated thaC 7.f. other <br /> are rezoned to I,ight. industcial, Chey, Coo, would benef~[t. <br />A1r. Pahey poi.nCed out tt~e resi.dent~ial area of Rurlce Lane. ~'aiiey also <br />commented tkiat the Ci.ty previ_ously "~[r. I~e:e that it would <br />not reaone th:is propesty. ?'ahey stated C.liat tie ~oas not 9.n f.avor oE <br />the <br />Page -2- <br />