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I~INU'fI~,S <br />Ci.ty Council. <br />~[ay 23, ].9E3~s <br />~ee ~`1rs< Scal.ze po~i.nted ouC tJiat: the Bi.irlce T,ane peopl.e were not noC:i.f i.ed <br />, ~~f: ttte as they are more than 3~50 feet from the proper.ty <br />(Cont.) invol.ved. <br />P1~ir. Fatiey poi.nted out tilat tliese people ori.1.1 end up as close to the <br /> peonle as the S~aBorc Road neopl.e. Mr. Fahey poi.nted ouC <br />Chat the Cornprehnsive Plan has this property desi~naCed as 'Ct-l., <br />Pahey *aas concerned that if: 9ite .T i.s ~rezoned, P4r. w~il.1 pull d,i.rt <br />out of Che oCher site and then come. t:o C:1~e CiCy and say tkie propect:y <br />i.s noC acceptable as R-1. <br />Mr. Fahey stated thaC he feels the City has gone as far. as i.t can <br />i.ri thi.s area oritn induserial zoni.n~;. Fakiey sCated th~t tl~e homeo~oners <br />~i.n the area rnust ba~; protecte.d. P4r. Fahey ,f_e1C that: the proposal. might <br />mal«~ sense at the t:haC the court moves out of the area. <br />Mrs. Scalze ~sked the doLlar dif.fcrence beY:we<~~n raw re.,idential l.and <br />and raw 12nd. <br />Scalze .f:e1C thaC the City ~is g:i.ving away sometkiin~; i-n upconi.n~; property. <br />Mr. Lee poi.nted ouC ChaC the Cf.ty should l.oolc at the yi.e7.d of <br />t-.he property i.n taxes. ~1rs. ical2e di.sag;reed Chat: i.t was her f.uncti_on <br />to looic f.or more tax dollars. <br />Mr. ~Eorsberg i.n£ormed Mr, Lee he has an ob7.i.~aCion to Che people Co <br />t:tie south to buffer tliei.r property and tl~~e area is a rness. l~orsberg <br />expressed concern that P]r. Lee keeps encroeicP~ing on the resi.denCial. <br />property and the buffer i.s not i.n place. <br />~(r.. DeLonais poi.nted out that the Pl.~nning Commissi.on tabled aicti.on on <br />thi.s rezoni.n,;, <br />~4r. l~~hey in.Eormed Mr. Lce that the I' Commi.ssion hzis 60 days <br />in Y.o act: on matters, and i.f t:hey have not acted i.n 60 days, <br />then the Coim ci.l. can act without their recomn?endati.on. <br />Pahey Mr. t:hat everyone in the ne:i_ghUorhood ~aould have <br />to be in favor o,f the proposal, bef.ore he would a~prove i.t. Mr. Fahey <br /> poi.nCed otat the ~;reat impacC on the peopl.e i.n t:h~a trai_ler cour.C, <br />TArs< Scalze felt thaC the resi.dents oF_ Fiurice Lane should be inf:ormed <br />of t}ie on tni.s subjecC, so that: tliey can <br />express t:heir. op~in:lons. <br />~trs. that pcrl~aps this is the to consider the <br />7.och propcrty and 13ougie propa~nrty rezon:i_ngs. Nardini polntecl out that <br />t:he i3urke I.,ane res:i_denT.s ~oould be i.nvolved i.n these rezoni.ngs. <br />~4r. ~la<le.ciu asiced if 13urke Lane was against tk~e rezoninF;, if :it cvoulct <br />eEfect the outcome. P9ss. Nardini repl.i.ecl that it: wil.l be an important <br />Page -3- <br />