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r~T.~tr'rt;s <br />C:ity Council. <br />T4ay 23, ].9£34 <br />Larry i,ee <br />i'.xclvation <br />Anenda <br />Ttem No. 5 <br />P?r. Pahey statecl thaC he did not want to see tPie excavati.on permi.t <br />Mr. Lee is applyin~; f:or Cvrn into a means whereby t.he property i_s made <br />mor.e sui.tabl.e for than T'ahey stlCed that ~i.f <br />the purpose of. the pex•mit i.s to reconstruct the burm, that is <br />Mr. Lee stated that. he wants t:o put a three-t.o-one slope, on the banlc. <br />Lee sCaCed that he agreed cri.Ch the people about the con<titi.on of. the <br />back of the burm. Mr. Lee stated that Mr. P'ranlc did <br />the worlc on the burm and last fal.1 i.t cvas too wet to cover the <br /> on tkie baclc <br />Mr. Lee then exp7.ained Che l.ay-out of the strFet thaC k~e proposed to <br />buiLd. Mr. rorsUerg ~vas uncter the i_mpression that even i.f kkie property <br />developed as resi,dential., tkiere woiil.d sti11 bc a burm. <br />Mr, Lee stat:ed t:hat. th~i.s oias i.ncorrect. <br />r~hey commented that the :i.ntention was that t.he area w~is <br />to be t:he bu.f:fer and Lhe burm was onl.y a tempora~ry measure. <br />i4r. Carrier comrnented on the large hole that i..s present due to <br />excavation i_n t:he area. <br />Mr. Lee sCated that }~i.s resi.denCi.etl devel.opment would noC be as high <br />as the ci~rrenc res~idc~ntial area. Mr. T.,ee s[~ted that t:here would l>e <br />a three-to-one. slope and stat_ed that a 9- 7.0 gracic: would be mai.nt:ained <br />i.n the areaa <br />Mr. Pahey stated that i.t was li:i.s i.mpressi.on thaC the <are~ <br />~aoul.d be hi.gher. Mrs. Scalze su~gestecl thaC Cot?ncil m:inui:es be <br />researcheel on thi.s. <br />^1rs. Naedini. >tated that her impression was that N[r. Lee's P.-]. wou7.d <br />have strect ~icccss throu~;h the i.ndustrial park. <br />A resident astced cahq Mr. Lee was digp,in£; be-hincl t;12e Carrier house <br />oii.thout a permi.t. ~:fr. I,ee staY.ed that: he submi_ttcd a plan <br />and commented that there is no ho].e being clug. <br />P~[rs. Scalze asked :if the tiopo,n,raphy plan is i.n ] ~a:ith whaC i.s <br />done ~in the area. Mr.. I.~ee replied tha1_ it was. <br />i1r. Forsberg commented Chat the i.ndusCrial. paric was be~i.n~; ext_ended over <br />a larger area. L'orsber~ stated that he thougk~C C4r. Lec>. was goinp, to <br />sati.sfy the res:i.dents i.n the area. <br />L1r. Lee stated Y_haY: he w~ill not move any dirt out o.f the area, but woul.d <br />move iC into a tnree-to-one slope< <br />G1r. Pahey stated that he cvanted t:o review t:he ~~1an be.f.ore Mr. <br />i.,ee di.d anythi.n; f:urther in the area. Fahey stated he wanted to <br />Page -5- <br />