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~1.~~u7~rs <br />Ci.[y Counci.l <br />May 2:3, 198~F <br />Lee Rezoning facT_or i.n Cl~ie Council's con,i.<IeraC~ion. <br />(ConC.) <br />P4r. Pahey poi.nted out that even if no onc ~aas opposed to the rezon:Lng, <br />i:he Counc-.i1 does not have t:o granC i.t. <br />P4r. .7ohn }3eecher,, ?•4r. and Ltrs. 7,och, poi.ntrd oui.: thrat: <br />the porci.on of. the Zoch proper4y go:ing out ~into Si.te I7 i.s a r,anyon <br />with sevei~ erosion. <br />Mr. LdcsCran comm~nted that he feels the C~,ity shoul.d follow i.ts <br />Comprekiensive Plan. <br />Mr. Pahey introducecl the foll.owing resoluci_on and moveri ~i.ts adopti.on: <br />ItPSOt~U'CION D10. £34-5-226 - CLOS CDAG Tl~ir PUPZ.:CC <br />IIBARING ON 'C}IG PROPOSL~D RtiZON:CNG OL' 7'I~IT: I,ARRY <br />I~EF PP.OPI'sRTY I,OCATIi:D SOU7'J-1 Ol? 0[~}~SSO 13LVD. <br />'Che foregoin~; w~~, dul.y secondecl by Mrs. Alardi.ni_. <br />Ayes (5) Faheq,, Llanson, Forsberg, Scalze. <br />Dlayes (0). <br />Resolut~ion declar.ed ~clopted. <br />7'his resoliation appears in ResoluCion Rootc No. ll., Page 7_41.. <br />hir, Fahey i.ntroduced tkie f:ol.l.owi.ny; reso:luti.on and movcd i_c, adopCion: <br />RPSOI.~iJ'CION N0. f34-.5-7_27 - TA13I,ING ACTIO^i ON TI1E; <br />J.~ARRY LEP RIT,Z,ONING P120POSt1L I~OR SI'CL 2 PENDINC <br />RFCI7,IP'C OF 'CHfS PLANNTNG COMMISSI0~1'S RisCOMM);6fDA7'IONS <br />AND 1~]STP.iIC'LS.NG 'CI-IP PI,ANNTNG CO`1i`~I.SSI0~1 TO LDNITT <br />THE YROYtiRTY OWD7LRS TO 'f.I-[P SOUTI~I UP TO THE S'P. PAUL <br />WATPR WOI2[CS PROI?LRTY, :LNCL,UDING '1'7{P. 1:'ES7Df:P7'LS OP <br />BURKF, LANP: SO THA.T, TktE C:LTY CAN GE'I' Ttli; PIIi..I, <br />Ir1PRisSSION OF THE NP~IGH$ORFIOOIJ PTELINGS ON 7'I~II`u <br />PROYOSAL, <br />The fore~;oi.n,n, resoluti_on was duly seconded by P1rs. Scal.ze. <br />Ayes ~>) Pahey, Scal.ze, ]~lanson, Porsberg, <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolution declared ~~dopted. <br />1'hi.s resoluCion appears in Resol.uti.on I~oolc No. 1.1, Page 242. <br />Mr. 7-tanson pointed out that Mr. Lee ,has wi.thdrawn ~i.s requesC £or Chc: <br />rezoninp oE tl~e prop~~ety he owns north of T~aROre Road from R-1 to <br />Li~hC In<lusCrial.. <br />Pape -4- <br />