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hC( At U'C;{S <br />Ci_ty Counc~iJ. <br />Junc ]3, 19£~4 <br />Yorlcton rir. T'ahey ,ce].C Ch~t the landsclC~inn should be on the i.ndustr~i_a1 <br />(Cont.) ~roperP:.y a, far ~s possib].e. rir, Lee stuCed that he coutd li.v~ ~oitli <br />this. <br />Mr. Lee t~sl.ced if he_ coul<i Lil.l. the, back <br />care oE that.: dron-oif. <br />N(r. Porsber~; st.~ted t:l~at Ch~~~ City cannoC bu£ <br />people f.roin t:hca roo~s of Che i.ndi.istri.a~l l~~artc <br />t;hat the R-1 str~i.}~ ~i_s Che buEfee. <br />Mx. 'Fahe) cnmment~~d th~t Mr. Lee w~nts Co do <br />the area >ater~ and this =.vas wi.t}i i::i.rn. <br />o[ t:he burm and taice <br />ee the L~6Hore Road <br />Ptr. 7~~ihey renlied <br />some gradin,~ to n~akc <br />`1r. Pahey ~itttroduced Che fo7lo~aing resolul:ion and moved ;i_ts adout~ion: <br />R~SOI,~U'I'T.ON 2d0. £34-6~-268 - D13CI,AP.ID,G 'fHAT NO <br />FU;:i'1'IIF;R 1~1JIT~D:I:P'G P?3`Z"~iT'Ci ?~,~:f.I,L ~;1? TSSUP,I) '1'0 <br />`COitKTON LTD. UtV`I']~.L ~ SA'fISf'A~'COlZY I,ANDSCAFL <br />PLAN :f5 StJB`-JI`L'TI;D TO TiIP; C('I'Y ST?PN:ATT~1G '1'lili; <br />INDUS'CP.I~L AR[;A F'1tOM TFIP 13tiSIDEN'Ci~L ARl?A <br />'Che E~ra:go~, resol.ution caas duly secondF~d b~ ;)1rrs. Scelze. <br />~ycs (5) £ahey, ucalre, t~lanson, Naedini., Porsberg. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resol.uP~ion clecl.ared <br />'Phi.s resolution a~>pears~ in Resolution P,ook t~?o. l.l., PaE,r 'L$/~o <br />~4r. Lee poi_nte.d oUt tl~zat he i.s iiighe,r,• on the ~eades t1~~an eire i_ncli.cated <br />on tt~ie plan. <br />,hir. tlanson commente~d Ch~t tlii.s is an indu>tr-i_al. ~a,rlc and tl~c ~rmdes <br />laavc bcen establ.ishecl. M,r, Carley saw no problem r.aith the grades. <br />i~l,rs. Sczilzc i.ntroducecl the Lol.l.owin~; xesolut:ion anfl mov~cl i.CS ~doP~~:i.on; <br />~t2rSOLlJ7'ION N0. S~i-6-269 -- APPl20VTt~G ~L~I2?ZX L:'~;E' S <br />Ui2ADiNG 0[' '!'':t': IZ-1 1?OPTION OF' HIS PR07]'i?R'SY 'CO A <br />POZN'f ~YI?F2I? S'C W:CLt Ris 'I'I-I.F? SA~1L GRADi? ~> ?^iAS <br />ORICTNALLY APPI209I'sD ON Tiil: GRADZTIG ??LAN <br />'f.he foregoi.n; resotuCiori m~as duly seconded by P•1r. Hanson. <br />Ayes (5) Scalzc~, 1,-2~nson, Narc(, Porsber~„ F~hEy. <br />Nayes (0). <br />ResoiuY.ion declared ~xdopted. <br />'Ckti.s r.esoliit_ion appeax.~s -i.n Reso7.ut:i.on ;f3ool< No. ll., Page 'L£35. <br />P~[r. Lee a,lced i.f he could do tlie cul-de-sac. A4rs. Scalze re~li.ed <br />to a safe 1eve1, <br />Pas;e -7.3- <br />