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i~!In;U'CES <br />C~iCy Counci.l <br />J~.ine 13, 19SG. <br />`l.or)ston <br />(Cont.) <br />!4s. Lee fe~I.C thac he ~aou].d f.mrp,et the cu].-cle-sac at th~is point. <br />P1r. Lce reported Chat he recei.ved a letter [rom Che locli's atCOrney <br />reqitesCing t:haC he ~ursue the rezonint; wi_tL~i C.hem. _M.r. Lee di.d nof: <br />Icnow Che fee7.i.~~~s of tlie Bou~;~i_e' ,. ~ <br />Lee report:ed that he had a for a].oop~d sCree~t iti t:hF are~.i <br />~hat: would ~~~revent CondiiiC Erom being u,ed as a n:i.n~~;-COn road. <br />Mr. 1~'orsbcrg pointed out. thaC th~i.s matter i.s on Che ai~;enda F~r ChF <br />next Oounc~il meetin~. <br />Sy].van LstaCes 't~1r. PocSberg aslccd wh~ t}.zE ~n~ineer senC a let:te.r out ~icce~~Cing <br />LeCtF~r ttie streeCS a~~d ut~i].i.Ci_es i_i~ Syl.van Tistzites. <br />Aaencla 'Che,:ine~er e•epl.ied Chnt Che 1 tn;i.ia;e i.i~i the le[tcr is rec{iie>t~ed <br />Co.rrespondence by t}ie li"tA. Apntu°eritl.y, there i_s 1 b~yer for one o( tl~e houses <br />and the. i'+,I~ ktas t-equested thi.s letter as part: of t~.he moct;a;;e <br />approv~i:l.. <br />'Chie Fngineer staCed this does noi: mean thaC the City has acceptFCl <br />the ~oorlc Constru<:t:i.on, t>ut ~i_s just. sayin~ thaC Cl~e strceC; <br />rxnd uti]?~i.e, are accephable .for m:z-i.ntenance so that tlie morC£aige can <br />qet approved. <br />A;sessmenC The iin;incer r.eporced Chat t1~~e assessment r.enp~~orCi.onmenC for <br />Re2pporti.on- No. 058629 is routir~ and recommendecl a~~proval. <br />ment ll',i.v. No, <br />OSt3629 M.r. ror,ber~ inCrqclueed t:he follow~i.n~, resoluti.on and eiove:d ~i.ts aclopti.on: <br />A~enda R;?SOT,IJi'IO[I N0. S4-6-270 -- FlPPROVING TIUs <br />Ite:n No. 9 A951 SS'~1IIN'I' 1L;APPORfTO~]?~iEV1' I'OR [)I~/:[SiON <br />'V0. OSS62~, D/P 00700, ~UD ]229, l~YD D~7? <br />0073, .9IID 1.303, [~Ir:A'CFU;ti O~,CS <br />'Che foregoint; resol.ut.i.on ~•ras duly seconded by ?Qrs. Nardi_ni. <br />Ayes (5) I'o~csber;, Nardini, Hanson, Scalze, Pa~~ey. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolut~ion d~~clared adopt:ed. <br />'Chi.s resol.uC:i.on aj.~~~~ears i.n Ti~sol.uL:ion ,3ook No. 17., P;age 2E,f~. <br />SCOCkness t~. i~?r. tlanson asked t:he Council's f.eeli.i~if;s on the draft: ].etter Co be <br />t3~an Ira<lustr:i.a1 sent: t:o proosrty o< aners in P.yari's 'industsia7. Paric, ;~~(r< ['ahey <br />)?arlc frlt thaP: th~ lett:er was too 1larsh ~ind did not f,eel. it was accurate <br /> a.s rep,~irds scm:i.'s on Cne properties. <br />;lgenda <br />I.tem ~io. 19 <br />i'a„e -].4- <br />