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~t UV1J`CfiS <br />City Cottnctil. <br />Ti.ine L3, 19f3~4 <br />Metro Sec~~er Forsberg po~i.nted out that the syst;em was not or~i_g:inalt~ hookEd up <br />(Coxit,) to I~orest L~ke and was desiFned to just handle this areei< <br />Mr, }ianson ~zslced wl~iere Ckie City c<~n puC }~ressure to get the l.arge <br />:int:ercepCOr line st:arted. Hzinson si.~;gested that C.hc. regional ptarks <br />proPram be scraped and thi.s project ~et star.t:ed. !-I~nson st_ated <br />that ChE C'ity has a l'iealth ~~~r.oblem. <br />~Qr. Mohle~i° stated that: his personnel ~re t.he best job ~ossibl.e <br />to prevent a health problcm. sugp,ested ttiat the C:iCy contr:ict <br />Cl~ie c4etro ~•?asteControl Cornini.ssi.oners ancl ttiie N(etro Counc~L1 an1 PCAe <br />1'Qohl~,~r ,tated that t:he i.nterceptor ] wi11 e1~i.m~i.n~te the 1ifC <br />stat~ion and wi.7.1 adequate c~.inac:ity. Mohle:r ,tat:ed Chat he <br />has worked for ~eCro .~kasC~ for 10 qear, ancl tl~e ti~as al.w~ys in <br />the~~ planni.n; stages and there has always been a reason for not cloing <br />it. <br />?Qr. Fahey aslccad [f the Ci.ty could sCart a court action and ~;et a <br />restratn~in~ order to stop dump~Lng th:i.s ~at~ste in Little Cnnada. <br />PaP~ey questioned wl'~y LiCt1c Canada had to talce everyone e1,r-.'s <br />secaage. <br />.T4rs. Nardini seaCed that thc:re is f.undi.n~ For Che 11rge int:erceptor <br />L~ine, btit not Che 7.ower bel.t 7.ine ~ncl nocv W~isconstn i.s suinv oveir <br />the l.o~•rer belt l.ine. Dlard~iri,i stated that by Ju1y 15 there shou7.d <br />be an answer from the 17PA on tlie lower be7.t ].Lne. Nardin~i suggesCed <br />C1~iat locaJ. be aslced Lor f:or t:he pro;ject_ 1nd, it <br />could begin th~.i.~ ye1r.. Nardini. suggesCed CnaC a 1e[ter b~ sent t.o tkte <br />EI?~ to thi.s ef.fect. <br />P9r.. ral.iey suc;gested t_hat Che Attorney i;he resCra~i.ning order <br />su~;esCion and also whc~ther P1ett'o [dztste can be held re~>~>onsible f.`or <br /> up Lalce Ucrve~is. 1~a1'~ey st:aCed that r.a~a seciage i.n lalcas i., <br />a ~ubl.ic I.iealth haznrd. <br />N[c•s. Scalze fe1.t tliat theee must be a way to ston the <br />rahey Ee1.t Chat Metro t~<ist:e sl~iould Lorget about the plrks ~ro~raim anci <br />Ca',cc~~ carc of: the basi.c necessi.ties, <br />1~lanson ~oi.nCed out that people on tha :I.a(c~ are pay~i_ng hi-gh ta~es <br />~nd theq are s~uimrni.tig poo~i.s Lo avoid, in the l.ak~~, <br />N[r. Afo1~il.Fr staCed that: they ar.e svortci.ras; from [hei.r l.evel to come up <br />cvi.tHi a solucion. <br />!Ytrs. raslced iE there a~s ~~n~ other dumpi.n~ on tl~i~it CYiey <br />clo not 1.<now about. ~~Ir. Mo} repl.ied thst. t:here oras not, <br />Page --3_. <br />