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i-I T Dl U'I'1!; S <br />Cit~ Coi.mcil. <br />June 13, ].9g4 <br />Metro ldaste ~4r, Hanson i.ri£orme<t i~r. PQohl<:r <br />(ConC,) the County Ro~td P-2 lift 5t~t:i <br />on the souC:h ot tne 1ake, <br />thi.s< ,tatecl that th-i_s <br />capaci_ty. <br />that Che C~i.ty truclced >ewage ouC oi <br />~n to avoi.d sewage in people's basements <br />Hanson aslced ~i.f M¢Cro sewer coul.~l do <br />~-oas noC possibte because of Che greater <br />Mrs. Nardini questi.oned th<1t i.f a small. CiCy like Li.Ctte Canada can <br />do thi.s, ~ahy can't Metro Giaste. Mohler again poinCed ouC tlte capaci.t:y. <br />~~Irs. aslced how much ~aasCe 1 cubi.c foot ~er second amounted to. <br />i1r. Pahey ca7.culaCed th~t ,i.t was over 60~,000 ~all.ons per deiy, or <br />about 2,000,000 s~iaice ~4ondaq. <br />Mr. Fahey sugQest~cl t.heit a closed sessi.on be held aC the end of the <br />mecti.n,n, to disc~,~ss the possi_bl.e orcer. <br />N(r. klanson thanked i4r. t-( iox nis at:tendance at the <br />Approva'L ~Ir, i'ahey in,tro<luced Che eeso].uti.on and moved 1.CS adoption: <br />Of: 'fhe <br />Mi.nutes Ri?SOLU'CION ~IO. ~i4-6-263 - AI'PROVING TtLI~, ~,1'iD'IITF:S <br />Or 7' n~X 23, 1984 CoIIDIC7r Mi',1?TiDtG <br />~~enda <br />It.:~m No. 3 The Poregoi.n,~ resolutioz~ was duly seconded by P,r. 1~or.sber~;. <br />Ayes (5) i~ahie.y, T.~'orst~er~, Fiansori, Dla~rdi.n,i, Scal.ze. <br />A?ayes (0). <br />Resol.ur_ion dFClared adopCed. <br />'Chis resolution appear> in 'Resoluti_on 13odc No. 11., Page 279, <br />Clausen Mrs. Sl~~ar.on C1.ause^ a~~~pcared before the Counc~il request~ing al~>proval. <br />Lot Spl.i.t ol a lot'. ~ohich woul.d add 30 f`eet oP property to her exi,C~in~ 1.oC. <br />n[r. H~~n,on poi.irted out that hir.s< Clauseri purchasin~ the 30 f:ect ot <br />A~enda },~ronerty f.rom her ne:i~hbor to Che east. <br />iCem No. 4 <br />t?r. Cl~lel>ectc aslced i.f thi., type of spl.i.t coul.d be approvec! admi.xiistrat:~Cvel.y. <br />hlrs. Sca,l.ze stated thaC in some cases thc C~ity Councit may need eo aci: <br />on Chese ancl po~inted ouC th~1t tt~e Ci.ty }zad cons:i.dered hav;i.n~ a publ.ic <br />} f.or a11 ~lot sp1~.i.ts so that ne-i.ghbors c~an be informed of what <br />i_s happeni.n~;, <br />Mr. Hanson aslcecl i.f this spl.i.t taill. brin~; A~Jrs. Stewart's 1oC undex• co<Ie. <br />P',tr. Chl.ebeclc repl.~ied lhat i.t not. <br />Mr, Ch;lebeck aslced ,i_f a topo was necessary in this case. Mcs. Scail.ze <br />did not {ee1 one c~as, and <.rtis onl.y necessar.y tif. a bu~i.ldable ].ot co~zs <br />created. <br />Pa~;e -4.- <br />