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06-13-84 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
06-13-84 Council Minutes
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r.1 I.\CI7'IiS <br />C:i..Cy Counci.l. <br />June 13, 19£D~o- <br />'Cl~ursda~'s 'Ctie L,n~;i.neer. reported that the power. was ordered a month ago for <br />Storni the Sl.eepy F(ol.low ].iPt sCaCion and a o~eek ago 'VSP caas z>hasing t:he 7.ine, <br />iqr. ForsbErg reported thaC a C.hree-phtise line wil.l. be. brouaht i.n. <br />P1r. Forsber~ ,tated ChaC wi_Lh the ~en~~~r2t:or ,i_n pl.ace, the (.;i.ty <br />shouldn't: hetve any probl.ems unt:il Che poracr i> in place. <br />'Che Ei1g~Cnrer st~ted ttlat he can eeqt.iest i~SP to hurry wtC~ t,h:Ls. <br />F4r. (;res; 'I't~~l~ren of 274f~ 7;dgerton appea~r~d before the Counci7_. <br />~Ir. Tiz].gren sCatecl that: T.P~c n~i.;.>ht of: the. sl.:orm t~e ~ot 8 i.ciches o£ <br />sewa~e ~i.nto hi.s basemen[ throv;h his i:o5let. ~r~id~y ite benan <br />uo th~ mess and SaCUed'ay ~afta;rnoon I'xe got f:our adcii.Cion~l incties. <br />?~1r. 'I'ulgren ~i_nform~d t:tie Counc-il. about hi.s clealin~s wi_th ~1et:ro i,iaetea <br />i.n Che maCter., 'Culgren stated ChaC Metro idasCe i, pnly tel.ling <br />h~im that they are soir_y For Ch~ ~inconven~ience. <br />Ntr. Tul.gren sCnted tl~at his t,risement is a rnes, and M~,~tro Sdastr has <br />~i.nfm~med h~im thaC Chci.r i_nsurarice ~ai_11 not cover. t:he d~ma„e,. <br />'f.ulgren stated tk~at: Chis has occured i.n Che pasC also. 'Cu1~r~n <br />steited Chat kie d;i.d not: f.eel. he sl~iould have Co woriry a}>out the se~va;~e <br />of. oCher ciCics ending up i.n 1'iis basement. <br />Ann 7;ender of 2756 Td~2rton appeared before t:he, t~~ts. S4ender <br />inf;ormed thc. Gouncil. tnat: shc had ~ i.ncl~es of secaa~e in her basement;. <br />?4.s, Tlender sCated thaC she checked Che Riri7.ding :Tnspr-~ctor. on <br />a bacl< w<iter valve and he i_n,formecl her C~~zit i~c aas not sure. i.t: was <br />part o~f Ci.ty Code requi.r.ements. A1so P4eCro 6e~oer is disclaimin~n, <br />l.iabi.lity for her dainages. <br />?~s. ;3ender sCated that >he is zn attorney and had f:our year, o[ 1ega1 <br /> i-ri her basement Chal had to be thrown out ei,lonn ~ai.t:l~ n2,000 of <br />7.egal. boo!c,. <br />E;c~nder asleed ~i_f a back caater vblve was a reyui.reinent of t.l~e C:i.ty's <br />Code. <br />Bender st,.ated Chat a[u11 assessrnent oI tier. ~amages r~iist be made ~c~id <br />she ~.s not sm-e l~ow to assess the damages on t}i~ l.e;al <br />~,ender sCatied Chat skie ha~s met ever.~y z~equ~i.rEmcnc oF the ordi.nlnce ~in <br />order Go protect her home ,from this type oE damaqe escept for thee b~d: <br />water valve. <br />Iiender staY.ed thaC the Oi.Cy shou7.d i:~e put on notice thaC 1:.1i~re ar~~ <br />res~i.dents o~` tl~e C:i.ty who refusc to have sewer baclced ci~ i.nto their <br />t~omes. 'I'hcre nre damn~;es present and someone ~oi11 riave Co dcCermine <br />whio pays tor the dam;a~es. <br />i`1r. Porsberp, oointed ou2:. that t:hi.s is not the Ci.ty's setaer 1i_ne. <br />Torsberp, su~;gestead thaC 13endcar contact ??etro Sewer ~i.n Ch:i.s re~;ard. <br />Page -3- <br />
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