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NtIVILCCiS <br />CiCy Coi.incil. <br />June ]3, 19°4 <br />Vilcin;~* Dr. The f:oregoinp, resol.uti.on was auly seconded t'~y Mrs. Nnrdi.n3.. <br />(Cont.) Ayes (5) Forsberg, Nardini., i~(anson, Scml.ze, Ftihey< <br />Dlayes (0). <br />~teso]_uCi.on declared adopted. <br />'Chis reso'lution uppears :in Re>oluti.on I3oolc No. 1.1, Page ?_f32. <br />The CiCy C1erl< ~,ked ~if. 24,r< Prank i°r.ate<~lone ~aas sti17. in favor <br />ol ~lrcade Street being, oiatered. A4r. IY~Ctalone aslced i.f the Counci.l <br />could ~; hi.m a connection chr~r~;e fi.~ure. 'Ch~~~ Cl~~~rl< repla.ed t:h~t <br />he cou7.d ~his when he ~;ets an ev~luaf:ion from r4r. <br />nraLT.&lone. <br />'Che }~;ngi_neer stated th~it t:he Ptfaple~•~ood ~o~~uld be as;;essed 1t <br />about ~31 pci" S'ront FooC, w1~i.c:h vrould be 1 7.00% a,sessment. The <br />T~ttt7.e Camada side c•~oul.d be asscssed r,it: f30'/, o£ t:hat figure. <br />Mr. as4cec( i.f Pie woul.d be assessed for hi.; tuzbu~il.dable lot:s <br />on the. othc~rr side of the street. Mr. Frosber~ rep7.i.ed that the Counci.,1 <br />a~provect tk~e I)ralce N~re7.iminary plat at the l.ast Counci:l. meetl.n~;. <br />'Che En~iner pointed out ehat. t=Ri.s improvemen[ was not peti.tioned <br />For. <br />N(rs. Sc11z~ state.d thaC ~~ir. Anderso^ orould cilso be char~ecl a ec~nn~ct:lon <br />char~<~ as 44r. ] ~vo~.~ld. Scalze. poinf:ecl out Chat Nirs. IC.ohl.mnn's <br />property is ixi !~fap'l.e~aood and the C~i.ty carznot asse~ss her un~Less she <br />cieci.des to connect to w~ter. <br />A1r. rFquested LhaC he be ab].o to ti~int about tl~~is until. <br />the next Council. mee[ <br />The 1?n~ineer recommc:ndcd thaC the Charles Addition wat:ermain i.mprovemrnC <br />be awarded ancl the Council. can act on t!~ie rnattcr i.n t~ao <br />weelcs. The contractor can beg;in ~oor?< on Addition tomorromi. <br />, ~here w~i17. be no di.Lferenc~ :in assessment cost if the 1'r.2ttatone <br />project is i.ncLuded or noC. as the~ crere bi.d separaCely and the cost <br />i_s very close. <br />?~4rs. Nardi.n'i. introd,uced Che following resoluCion and moved ~i.ts r_idopcion: <br />R~SOLU'CIOP] N0. ~4-6-2F~7 - AWARDING 'CtIE ];IP <br />OP C. .I. HOIJLF; I'OR tdA7'13RMAIDI COlS1'I2UC'CT.ON <br />IDt 'C}?L' Ard0U~7'C OP $76,591.40 ( Imp. 83-19- <br />'Che forep,oing resolution ~vas dul.y sccoridecl ~y Mr. rorsber;. <br />Ayes (5) Narcli_ni, Porsbcr~, 1'ahey, Scalze, Hanson. <br />Dlaycs (0). 2e>ol.uti.on declared adopP.:ed, <br />Thi.s iresoluti.on appears in Rc~soluti.oil 73oo~c No. 11, }?a~;e 283. <br />Page -7- <br />