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>.rZ\Y7'rP.:~ <br />C~i.ty Counci]. <br /> 77, 1.9~[F <br />~~ z, g ~!r.;.''oduced Che 'Eo1.7.o~v~i_ng, reoslttti.on and movcd :i.ts adnp4:.ione <br />(Cont.) <br />nt~? ,pT.t1; 70A V0. f34-6-2£ 7 'I'At T 7:PdG F~0'CI0~7 <br />~r,i Tbp >, .: S C(~',1'~1TSO.:A"L US3'; 'i,'2`~iT.'f <br />i-:EQt7?'.i'l` <br />'~'}~ie. Foe~~ a;o~i.ri~ reso'Lui: ion w~s dul_y secondad 6y ~~.r. ForsScx~g> <br />Ay~~; (5) idardin:i., 'Forsl~xr;, i;arison, Sca1z~-, ,?a'ne~. <br />V~~es (0). <br />7?esoluti.on d~cteir,ed, adopCed, <br />i_hi.s resoluC~i.o~~ Zl~~~ears ~i.n I:esoli.ition Poo?< ~70. tl., „~a~;e 30J. <br />"t.irop. 84-~7.0 -!~.. t>~usc r~ePo,rted th<1t he has sold kiis ~~ro~crtq. <br />A;enda °irs. Scllze cormnent.ed tha't at thE. last ~~E~Ci_n~ sfie undersC~,~od Chtxti <br />[~teni r'o. b ~nce ?;r. 1<e11y eaoi~ld not be alloraccl to u,~ the r~ronos~~~d DeSot:o, <br />he c:~ou].d zaot: ~aanC co part:i.cipaf.c ~i_n t:he cost. <br />~:Ir•. ~3~ts< sCat~^.d that he understood t:hat t.2e ~Par'<s Co~n~nission ~~ras to <br />negoC~i~te ia,i.Cl~~ :r. f{ '~usc ,Cate~d Y~.h,tt. th,.s nor. done. <br />.rs, i!t~uini staLed Cliat Ttr. i~elly ~i.nci~_cated i.kiat~ he ~aas not i~ter~sced <br />in payin~~ for an,9T_h~i.ns„ h~ could not,: usa. <br />(ne ?ng;ineer inrt:i.cated tl~ic i~ _~>.ssmenCS per front foot woul.d be <br />`~'L7.0. ~~:i ~ ScaLzc poiilt~d out t1~ieC. ii L~ie Bi~iee ~roper,t+~ has tu ~ick <br />uo both si_da~.s o~ [he sCreeC t1u.5 i_s 5;2J_~ per I~,ront. foot_. <br />'4r. Pahcy commented that Cne propcr[y o~~~nzars ~n~i.ght be; <br />th;~C the City eioulc~. p~i.c4c u{> G-a~~~ ~i >ess~ncncs for one s~ide of Che <br />;Creet: i,E thcrc is ~;oin~; to b~~ oax''c ].and on th~~t side. ~;~Ir>. Scntze~ <br />st~at~d tJtat th~~ parlc I,nidt;et coul.d not af:Porct to do this. <br />'°ir. I''oi ~berg stated 'ehat t:he 9-ton road i.s out e~s 1'~e i. , not ~i.uteresCed. <br />i_n hav~in; ~inrlusCria'l Crsfi:~ic in t.~~is area. Sca7.ce stat.e.d t:hal: the 6-COn <br />road ~,a~i-11 st:i1_1 cost 3220 pe,e~ .Eront foot. <br />t,e, 'Pa'r.x} .~~°f;~'sCed ChnC~, t:hs propcrLy o~,~nei:'s revi.e~~~ t11e <ost:; ~n~~ ti~~n <br />d~~r_i~~e if Chc~ are ~i.n [avoe o~ t~~E~ ?.roprovernenC or not. 1'ahey st~ted <br />Ch~t fro!'n t.he~ ~~i'c, tiie C~i.t~ caoi.ittl rioC need neSoto t:o <br />access the pro{>ert~, <br />7ad<i.e >ladeau ~,ked i F: ro;icl ~,iould just f;o ~s as tiie Busct. <br />proprrtye NIr. I'aktey point:ec ouL t:liat Plan 5 calls f:or t.he road. co <br />exP:end t:o T.,oC I~< ~ir. ,,?orsbex~ asicect if a Cemporary cul ~d~--sac <br />=~ns ~i_nclud.eel ~in t~ie. ~ra.ce, 'f;u ~~ingincer r~~nlicd that ~~ ~aas. <br />4r. Pahey ~oi.nte~d out ~hat ri.pht-oP-~~rary acq~~~'i.,.iCi.on was not. incli.ided. <br />n.z,,~. _._~_ <br />