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!`R:f.i~rJTli`.; <br />Ci.t.~ Cot.vici.L <br />June 27, ~1934. <br />imn. £34-1.0 ^.c~. Sceilre po;.nCed ~~ut LEtat the °ar?c <o~nni_ss:Lon cannot afLord Co <br />(Cor~t.) ~~ay y5'5,000 f`or tn;.s road and Fel.c -i.t was f:ool~~sh to bri.n; it up <br />t;o Che Parks Conuni.ssi.on. <br />rti. ?~anson stat~d that iE the s~~eeC ~imnrovein2nt were~ dEl.etcac!, t.heri <br />t:l-ie use of CI'~e housc, could cont,S.iu~e as is, bi,aC. no nCher buildin;; <br />pEC~n~its could b~ issued. `1r. ~Po~;ber„ ;t~t:ed ~:~~C Pie h.~id no ~~i~oblem <br />c~ri.i~.h ~~r. '-?anson su~f,estecl C.haC thc coulrl be <br />brou;tiC t~p a~a'ii~ i.f therc i.s LW.:ure developmF~nt i_n [he area. <br />4r. i~ah~ ~.>ge ~ ted tka~it the m~tCer coul.d be barouf,ht up Co Che ?'2rl< <br />Coitr,niss~ion ,Eo7r ca,nneriC. <br />'[r. l~or.~cr,a ~~i<,~St:~d t'~~t L:P~e pr~pcrty omner. !eut ~:ai~~:i Nr. R;e~11y. <br />'~1r. Dou~ ?~Ii.I.son, purch~ser ot tn4. :iuse nronerty, ~tat~.ed that per~~l< <br />l.and i_s needed ~in Che eirea. ~~;~i1~;o^ quest inned w'riy he sl~ouid ,~ut <br />Chc roa?d -i.n f~>r thc usc~t~s o~. t.he p~xrlc Co l~ave t;o ~~.t. i=,r. i^t:i.1>on <br />s~~t:ed chai: h~~ spotce to three council.mombc:~r, iaho :i.nd~ic.~ted c!~~ai.: i_f <br />a;~ar4c .~c~s i.n, tne C~i.i_y ~:~0~.~1.d be ol>1 iratc.d to pay for C.Jle roaad< <br />'~~r. !'al~iry ,taCed. thatC he spolce to ~:r< '.~i.~,tson a~~~eel< a,;o and di.d noC <br />i , . ~ . <br />-ee1. tnaC tni.s irs ~onat iie. ~~racl~icaCecL t%lr. ?.,'i.7.son ;tate.d I.~e sf~otce ~,tti <br />~ilr. ?'eal~cy ;_s mont;.t ago on Che >ubjece. <br />'-ir. r'or bcr; teli-, tF~at t~ie. ~!sst!~ o( thc ~a.rt< *~~as only touche:l on <br />br~icE1~ by Che Council. <br />T:tne~ f:elt t}ie matCer shoul.d go l.:o C1~c p~rk Co»u~.ssi.on, hosoovci•, Ee~1C. <br />Cney ~aouJ.d noC ~~c i.nCC, c sCed et L!~i.s i s i.nd~ist:~' land ar~d rnoi-'e <br /> t::?~an res~idE:.iit.:;al. proper(.y• . <br />~.9rs. Sc~ilic d:i.d n<>i~. fcet t'iie ~~ropeirC.y oc~ners sl~ou7d ~et cFae ~i.dca chat <br />th2 Pen'tc Commi_srs~i.on ~.aould nay Cor Che r'ottd or lial.f t:l~ie road. Sca1_ze <br />i_nd.~i.caLed Cnat tiie Counci:L eaf.1.1 ul.timately huve co ~n~tlce Che deci.s:i.on <br />anc'; sne =aoul.d neve.r- i~e i.n [avor oF i_C. '`lx'. I'2`~ey ~igreeci. <br />Scalze ~CaC.ed t ia~ i_f ~'r~. lC'i.l.son wanCCd to pay ,.;220 per Iront 1'oot, <br />then th:i.s o~ould be a 100% pe[:iCi.on. <br />~~Ir. ;tu<c aslcrrl i L thE-; ~:~,it~~ ~roul.d consi.der rimni.n; ser•rer- and. ~a~ cer to <br />t:i:ie ;+ousc tiri.tFiout: t}ic ro~id. <br />~~Ir ~. ?~zi~di.n:i ask~d i.i this ~aoulct h>e out-of--1.~i_nn. :~~z°s Sc~t~-~~ d.~i_d noL <br />1:e<-.7. i_t ~aould. <br />r'ahcy stat_~d tliaC e'i stipu7.aCion coti1.d Se nl.ace~l t.hae no h>; <br />oermit5 noiild. be -i.rsue~~ unC~i.l. a strcet ~oent in. <br />=[r;. N~~e4in,L asked -f it ~ocr,E ~noco econom~Lca7. Co put .FOrer ancl natexr in <br />aC C.ha~ ~.ame The ing:i.neer. Chou~;ziC ii ~oould he. <br />Pa ;e' -~~- <br />