nr'~,%11'I . ",•1' 'f'll' '.3::IUL,~1 i.;:'17;i!:
<br />CI't'Y C~U27CTi.,
<br />1:,I'I"i'LI? ,r,Aiqq`),~~, ,:;:f\~,iir.80'r'.~
<br />A ;enda
<br />I t em ~lo, 7.
<br />~.s;enda
<br />1 t.em i:lo. 2
<br />~~, x~rova 1
<br />Uf 'Clua
<br />?1~i.nUCe ,
<br />~r~cmda
<br />Item ilo. -3
<br />Yursuant. to deie cn11. c-~n~! noCi.oe ihereoL a re~ul,ir ^iect:in„ of tne
<br />Council <ii tV,ie Ci_ty oE i,ittlc Cti~~~ia, htinnesota ~,ias h~~1d on t:iie
<br />ItCn da/ oi: Ju7.q -i.n the Council. ~u~,r,},>er~ of thc (:~i.ty CenCrr
<br />lr~c~ited at. 515 Ii.C~.Cle Cnnnrisz Road in sai.d City. -
<br />;ru1p 11, 198~i~
<br />~faryor Raymond 1~f~nson ct;lii recl t}ic ~r~~~±C~i n; ~~nd caJ J.ed ir to orctcr
<br />axt; 7: ;4~ '.14. an~? the i:o7 Loorirt}; *a~ re p~'~se~1C at: r<~>1'l. ca7.1a
<br />'B'.',2S ~> "~..LNT,
<br />V `;0 ":(?~~...P','C:
<br />''4<t~or
<br />i3ounc i 1.i,~an
<br />Cp~.ui<:~t 1rn,arz
<br />Counc~i.l.woman
<br />Cqurtc i l~aoman
<br />C~ity C'1er1<
<br />~;i.Cf 7':Rtj:i.ile('.L"
<br />C~iCy AtCorncy
<br />C[.ty Plariner
<br />l:e~cor~li~z~ Secretae'Y
<br />~.r. P-,aymon~l Fiansor~
<br />:~fr.',I. Fahey
<br />t~ir. peruli.s Forshex~~;
<br />:~ir<;, ;>tu,;s ":lar<i i.n~i
<br />`~t . ~;evcrJ.y >
<br />rlr. Joseph CLl.eb~ac!:
<br />i-rr.. 1)oneil.4 Ccir]_ey
<br />Mi. 'I'ftamns Stoce.ney
<br />i(x', 1)avi.d t,ichC.
<br />~rs. ?:dl-.hli~ep ;:ll.~inZer'
<br />,rs. :i.nt.rociuced !'~e fol.'Lowi.nE; reso7.uYion and movec( iCS ~idopCion.
<br />~;iSOI~iIt Il)-~! P30 0!_.7._3U:, -~ 9Py>Ov~~ni~•
<br />I.7-_r: ~11 ~J,L':S 0: 1_~,'.~ ,JU "- ?7, 198G.
<br />COJ[yCIi~ ~~t:slil`fl:Pl<; -
<br />'C'h~ iore ,qin~; resolut:i.on was d.u1y ,econc~~ c( 'oy ?u_. I'orsn~r~;>
<br />~yes (5) "nrdi.n~i, I+orsbc r;, ;-[ein;on, Sc~lie, "~1~~ey,
<br />,~~,iyc,s (n), .
<br />Rr_soliit.i.on de~clnred adopCede
<br />1k i.s resolution a,>~>ears i_n 72esotuCi_on ~?oo'< ~]o, ll., ,~.i"e 3?`i,
<br />ityan '~'1r (;~.iCy Pl.anner_ y~issed out a co2Y oli' rc„~.tlati_o~is oi ~inn~istrirAl.
<br />'J~iclusCr4.a1 ~levc~topment ais <lireci:ed in th~a. t,1t.t:7.e Cunadx ?on~~ng ~Jrriinane~a.
<br />Par!< 1'~~n P1an~~t- also pointed out. i:}'r.~t oa;e tfircc i.n Cou~ci7 i;enr,ira,
<br /> - ,, „.
<br />~aas an o1 (ac.CS Ihat t;u .,~Cy ~:roiilr„~ at;-Le.m~iC to u'~ta:!_zi ~.n
<br />4;enda ~c'di'ess,n~; bu ~incsses i.n Ryait Industri~~l <<~.i.t:. and tlie~.i.r'
<br />ICe.^i F?o. 4 comnl.;.~z~~cc ~~iiCh C~itJ (,'ode.
<br /> tr, P<zhey :i.nfocru~cl r_lie n~icli,ence, that as ~.t,; si:ands, cl~c ~,and-out Prom
<br /> tnc Plzzun~r' nrE~, Citp Co~lc ancl it caould t~i':e .f.~Onr ~'.i`.i.rm~ati.~~<~. votc,
<br /> nf clie Gouncil to c-.~ange i.t, 7:f Che o~rdi.nance is not rhl~ipyF~<i, ~he C~i_ty
<br /> ~rould be;~in enfo.te.ment pror_e;d.uiF;. 'i'ne C~i.t~ ~ooiild. hor~r ~hat thc
<br />~ ~usi.nes:~s caotiLd ~~o].untor(1~~ coi,>ly ~y;i.Ch the oi'di.~iaiice.
<br /> '~?r'. I.oLri of' F~qt~et,imc st_ tl <>.d thnt ., , t~.l~i:i. ;a,is t:h~ f~~i.rst. t i~ ~e ne h,.; seen
<br />o,t~ ~, _1_
<br />