~b:i'I ~jl.~'~~.,..,
<br />(;].C~f ~;OLtIlCl.~.
<br />.fU l~> l.l y l~i'2C;.
<br />?',>>tan ihe. ordi.nance, t!~c Counci.l sh<~ul_d go [.hrou,r,h i.t oiord For ~iord criCl~~ the.
<br />TndusCrial bus~i.ness o~aneir<; present. .
<br />['firlc (Cont..)
<br />.~r. St~art, e~z:~ske<I iP he, it s~;rem,liatherer. ~in as he has bcen in t>u ~iness
<br />,i.n the. p~rlc s:i.nce. 1~7.`i. ~.hf ACtorney rrpl:i.ed that th~rr :is n~ c,rauld-~
<br />f~zCherin~~ -in tor Inin,,;s ~l~t':e; st.oras;c, hnl uses ~aay i>~. ;retud=:lChux'ad in.
<br />i.he ~Ctorney ,C~te~ Lhat. hc caould necd ,~eciS_i_c:, to det~~nni.ne. i.i
<br />somel:h-i.n;; ~i.s ,:;r~indfeil:~'ered ~n.
<br />,i. ~?v,~n scaCed thaC tl~i<~ busines~es are concerne_d abot.tt caheit i_, considex'ed
<br />a sCOra~;e loC. .^..yan ~._ied Ito,i neavy ~r.~ui.pmcnt: t-i.ed. ~in ~ai.Ch cold
<br />st.ora;;e.
<br />'he~ Plzinner stratr.d tnat zf a seoi_ I.:r~i.lc.i' ~S par~<ert wi.t:}io«t a L:x'~cCOr
<br />~i.n f.'ronC oP ~it on a con i,tent ~i>~i_,~ Lri:t~i: i.s ~on,i_c~.er~ct sP=oCa_;e, 7[
<br />ti~c vch,_ct<~ ~i.s used con ~;tenClj~ .,~nd ;,>iill~d ~;.n anu off tn~ siCe, ~hat
<br />~i_s <:onsi.dered narl<inp,,
<br />~.e'. Ryan ,as~ced ;abouC (i_11 rICrC. ,nirl b~.ii.7rlAn~ *n~il~.er,ials. 'C'ie Pl.annet'
<br />r<~nl_ie:l t`~aC i:hc~,c saerce ~~nsi.dered as storeif,e. 'Che 1'lanncr sCaCed
<br />li~~~r ~i.E son~eth{n:. :i.s stor~~d i.t must 1~e ,ci'eo.ne~l an~! Lancsc:aned.
<br />'e. SCan!e ,Cat:o.d [:I~~aC l{~c oedi.nance ,faCes Chtt sCOra~e ;nust be
<br />r~~ccnad from a`~uCt~in~ tESidential or'op~x'Cy, and Ciie oark does not
<br />hev<a abuct-i_n« resi.dcn[:i.ai1.
<br />~:~e.y sCttted tL~~iC tlie stoia^e musl., l~e- Scro~-tned frorn Ch<~ ;~ublic ri~,ht-of-
<br />~aay. I'wc.~ al.so poi.nt~-~~I ouC I:h~t storn;e i.s al.7.o~aed undar Chc ordi.nnnce
<br />nrovidedtnat; i.t. i.e~ sc~nened.
<br />~~`~ 1'<.yan astcecl iioci hign a Fence ~roi.ilrt have Co be conscri!cted i7 or'cler
<br />to acr~c~n a senu traiier '~tr>. Scal.ze ~[riCed thtiZ Ctie i,r.oblem i.> not
<br />w{.Gh ju5t one semi.-~tr~iletr.
<br />1~ahey StaC.ed C`r,~f ~u~der' Clie or<.i.nance a fcnce ~;ninnot e ceec' 8 reet,
<br />C:ihev staced that ,ic ~aas ^ot e;r_iet~d. aboiiC (.he. tra:iler ~tor,~o-e anil
<br />(~I_t i..f_ loo'<cd ncater than tavint; the ii~terl.:~t ouC on thc properCy.
<br />~Tr< ktyan zr,reeci that: the narlc needed a l.i_t_Clee ~nore orcie.r. l.yan sCated
<br />tiiat att: n~;hC c,i,ien Lhct d~iily ac(-ivity i.s r~vex', tne parl< doe, noC look
<br />bad, R.yxn stato.d Chat [hc bus_~es;cs i.n tt;e pnr?c ure q~i:i_ce divE:~rse.
<br />and t~i~ , e bus i.ncs:;es nee c~ ~;pacc o~.iCS~i;le i.'or CFic i r e.qu ipmo~nt and CP~~~
<br />cil-so nc~~d ttie aoility eo ~ccess [he eqiiipmenr_. F~tr. P.yAn ;ratr-.ci Chat
<br />he h~.s r~~ver kiec~.rd ,in~ romj~le~ i nt:s aboi.it, i.he p~u l ~ sca~.~~t `rom tne~
<br />Counci.L }'yan i:e7.t P.hat rnosC peonte ~li.d not: even l:no~v ~ah~zre tku~ park
<br />~.~~is because i.t: is so con[i.n~=d.
<br />:;r. Jacobs~n sticed c4~t~il i.P~e Ci.ty ;cl:s <~i 7.ot or t ix :aoncy from Ciie
<br />,~ar~c saitiiout: havi~~i;; i.:o provi.~ie any scrvi.ces,
<br />'~(r. Li_cht poi.nted uut Chat thca C~i.ty ju~.t. ~~roc~~.~,ec( two rcquests :in t:he
<br />patrl: azn~l t~1ac!cto~~hin;; wes not rccAUired of tiie ,COra~;e areae
<br />p.~ ;F _)_.
<br />