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~ ~~ za u~r ~~; ,, <br />c~it:ti~ couno;.~~. <br />:fuly 'LI , 1984~ <br />lleSoCO Rt~e~. ~r. ~~l:il.son ~iaCC.d thaC ~< n~ecl.s a i~oad. <br />li~;provemen t <br />(CoraC.) ~x. ::~ahey ~~o~i.nCecl out t~at t ie Eer:Li i~, ~CS tl~at ha.l.f < ~1_rF~ec <br /> .,; not ~ur~ui_atyl.e, '~hc~e Eore~ ~hey ~`eIt ~~lr. ?~i_'Lson ,nould pursu^ <br /> t.l,~e ?~7oe1 i n~ 7ovet-~~rl t-. 'I:'hc _,ri„ine~~r c.onunenC~rl tlinl '°ir, 61~i.~lsorl <br /> i.s Lootcin~ at: l~talr :a roic. 'iere a1so, <br />1r. ~'aluy st zl:.<,,.~~ t~lt~it he ~is noC ~i.n favoc or: half 2 road. <br />~r, ~~lanson ns'c~~: i_f' oil \oel. Dr__vc~ i_;~~proveroeenC ~ ~ ther~e ~s~oul.u b;, <br />nori-coruorm~in;; 1.oP.s to t~~~E c.ast:. 'I'I~ie Plainner~ i<~It. tl~iczt th~ l.ots <br />caould conform. <br />'~tr. G7~i1so~~ ~slc~~~' t~.haC I.:!ze Counci1 coris~i_dcz~aC:i.on ~~~ thie. <br />~eSofo ~i ~vxovemnnC so t~~t nc can ncrve ~~~re L~;ae to cons=.clec L1~i<~. <br />si.tuat:ion. <br />'laru~i.n'; 'I_.iere !, a vzictnnc~ on>, Gomr:u_ssi_on f~~r Lhe t~~, o1- <br />(ori,n'i_ss~ioil 1.'~S4. ` Zc S~iC}~ rccent:l_}~ ~,dvcrt'sed Chi, vii c~~ncv and raceiveu tmro <br />4nnro~inlmoni: >>l~ical.~l.or, a. 'L'lu•.y are, ~~om ~kaoman PoLviri fu,cl Si17. Davi_son, <br />~;endra ~-~r. [lanson read t he 1ei.1 er re.ce i_ved Eco~u ~',r . PoCV~in~ ai~d o*>c~riei] ttlc <br />IIE+n ~7c~. ?~;~ inCervi.e~~i cv iC.h ~ir. PUCV~i.n. <br /> .-'r>. sc~~~,~~ a.>tcr.d ~[e. ?otvln ;.E ~,c~ ~v~~ul<. b^ T;~;.~t.i,iq t-o l.ea,rr, c~~~e <br /> code:; o L'n c C:i.ty. tdr. ~UCVi_n rrul~i¢d Ch.aL: he .roi+~Ld be and ~~oouLd <br /> 1>c ~•ii.l.liiin to a~ 1 cr~d ,nn~~ t~._nt s. "r'. Pot-vi_n ls .a ~~~~.;ib:=r ~>i tlic- i~~i_re <br /> )c,~art?nenC and re:,>orted thaC i~c titLend: !ft% o( I'.u~. l~ir~ Dc.~:~ar[.nent's <br /> ni~aet: i.»gr. <br />'t;. Sc~1,.a askr~~ Y~i.'. ;f ~;ic~ ~aou~l.d b~e i~ri..l~~ng Co _nn;'c ! <br />.~~ind eit "tanrii_n£, ~o~;a~~i.s~,;s and stand iip to i~~, ncighboe. <br />;?otvi_n rcnl'iecl ti~at. txe ~aot,~l.d. <br />[r. l~[an on 3;! if !~~'r, n~d c~ny conccrns al~~out t i n~;s hr~~>ieni.nn <br />i.n tne ~iC9 Cn?t he. ~,aou(~ IL',ce3 (o ex~>a-e-_;:,. potvi_n statcr~ t~tat he '- <br />has no ~~ :i_~-.ic. ,~~o6lcrrs, i~iit ~rttnCed e.o ~ec~~!!ie ~it>rc :irivol.ved at 2t <br />l.ow~~r l.c~rel.. <br />4r. FTOr '~~r.~ rasc~~d ;t~oCv~i.n 'Z~i.s Pcc7 i.n~~s a6otaC fl~,peud~i:~ ". ''oCVi.n <br />~LaCed C'ial ne ~rn:s ~i.p L;dvor OL ;[ and (~l.t i.C. iia~le the i':irc <br />pepartment's jol-~ s~%c.r. <br />Courrc-i1 t:i+~~Led 'lr. i?oCvin for iis 2p~~7 icati.on. <br />.r, F'anson nc;d_ i~:atl t:ho. ~ipp:Lication x'~cci.vcr{ r~m;4r. ~'1.1 Dav~i.,on <br />ar.d openF;cl Ciie nLCr'vi_ev ~~~ith p~vi.son, <br />,,.~3c -12_ <br />