.: f ~:'nq'.~..~
<br />Cticy C;oi.inc,i.l.
<br />:fu1y 11, 'L9£~~t
<br />Lax'r~ Lee "r. Lee ~~skect i.E Fie could come b.tt•.k w-i.t'~ ,t f'UD ~ii.th mi_~.ed u,e. of
<br />iCont.) co~:i,rcr~c~i~i1., :i_ndt~~i r_ial. ind ~res~~lr~~( i.al. on l_he~ s n?r propcrf~}~.
<br />~'ie~ Attor~icg re~.plied Chat: if L~~c i'IIl~ c.onia~inec~i ~i ~~i.}'.f.c.~~enC proposc~'I
<br />u5~9 ~nz'. !~e *,doulct hYavc t.ic ri.n,nt co stzb~!i.il.: th~ re~q.ite=.sr ~tn<I ~;ctc a
<br />~t~.bl~i.c, h<?r'i.n; on i.1~.. ~~otaever_, iC there axr-r, no(-. iour vol-es Co
<br />oonrovca rt, t,ien Cl1e ;,roposal 'ni, jusc ~ isCed a lot of t_i,iic.
<br />fowever, ~_[ ;/fl5 I'ie I~tt<~tney's f~~1.i.nf; t~~at ~?r. 1~ee ha' I Ze- ri.~nt
<br />to ,ubr.rit si.ich a proposal<
<br />I)c RoCO "r. ~ou~, i!i.lson ts!u~d ~i ~ t,~e C~i.t y ~,rou1~ '~~, ~ail l~ii„ Co nut. i~n ta~at2r
<br />Si rcce a~u' acw~r anel h il i of C~c ;cr ee~ Sl~oi~lcJ rhe u~'ier pro ~erty in thc
<br />I r>ro:rci;icnt ar<a~ deve~loi~, t'i~~n Ci~c ~~t: hcr hal `~ of t>>r s treci c.oul.d '~c ;'>ut ~i_n.
<br /> ~ie. 'i~i_1.,(~~l ~:t_ EStCCI t.ii.tC ~(' nOl Ll.c~ i)C ~di~a.l.t~t~; Co u~;J CneS(. ~.;p 95_nE:ittS
<br />~~~P.LICa£1 ~OC ~l'I.;i IO~lI. 25~[`.
<br />tiCem 1?0, 1.9
<br /> ?r. 7~ors?~>c.; eis erl ~-~oca I~~ r, C~ t:y rou7.d ;~ut iir~lE ~t rorid :i.n>
<br /> Ihr 3~~;~iuccr sta~cd tl~al t.h~ cos l oE c`te r oacl ~ioul.d i~~ ,tsC abouC
<br /> r i~ szim~, ,,vcii ~L on1~ ]~ial f~ae r~~ ~~iii ~lt. "o r:;bei ;.is':e~t c o;z h a1 L~z
<br /> r~oad c~uld i~e !>lu~~ved.
<br />~ ic f3ng;i_nter st it ed I.:nat c.~ie Ci.t~ na<: n~ver ~~u ~ 1 ~ 5~.~ LC a z~oad,
<br />I~i~ t?n~tnccr sCitc-.r_l that. Che ic<<.~ of i~~i,~rovi.n~> -.`oc+1. L`t-~i.ve c~eAs
<br />8 L>O (!:i SrU9SCC',
<br />`ir. i'or,b~~r~ st:'~Cpcl Chr~~t ';r. `~4-i l,mz s,'ZOt~7.cl peCiC?.on Eor )'oc1 DrivC
<br />i` hc ~;d,~u~ts t_h~, C'i_t:j~ to consi(ict' it.
<br />,~.rs, ic ~lne statod Chat ix. ;~~]i.lson *.voulcl havir to corrv~iuc.e ni.s n~ i;!~bor's
<br />to accc,~t ".<'>el ~)rivc im~~r~ovemcnt<
<br />'a.`-zey co~n~cnl.ec( 1.1iat: t'.ic Ci.ty d~c:s not u1lo~rr a cu7.-dn-.tac: ).9n~cr
<br />1.11an 50~ (eeC. Il raa.s ,oirl:ed o~it tl~aC. ti~.is iao~.ild ~>a ~i tem~~or~ry
<br />c~iL-~-le-~;ac and t'~~e 1'u~~ui< es;t.e~nsi_on oL' a c~rrou~ 1 a~.rcet:.
<br />Chc C;lc,~: re~~,orted th_ic r. ?~7i.lsorz oont~, ;5`?, of (.he propert~ ard
<br />c;oi~td :~~eCi.tion I~~r i..h~ ..~provs+s~enC, !~'~tnc.q i.nf'or u~d i`ir. [d~ilson Chat
<br />~L ;~as i>~~~~.n C:i.T_v irol.iey :~ut L.o ai>pirove ~in ~.nipro/r~menC unlcss ,zt
<br />In.zsC Sr)%, of thc ~ropei i y o~~mct > z!re :i.u favor of il...
<br />'~.rs. 3c.~lre i.nT~i•,cJ =l~i ~~i15on thaC ~i.C Chc C~i.Ly
<br />ha'1_(~ at ro2,<], thr-,. Ci.t~ ~.~ou7.~i havc t.o ap;~rovc C!~(;
<br />'nrsner<~ i.?te,l fhe~C he ,at,, i~,ot iri rayor o~` this
<br />t'~ierE Fur .~i.si:1 ir si.f:.i,iat o'n, all over i'ir~ CiC7
<br />[~iat :~7-; lso~~ just ~uC Chn ,elrer aiicl r.oate~,r ~:n.
<br />flllotccc him ~0 1~i1!ivc
<br />fo~~~ otnc~r':;. '~r.
<br />ao~d. no~i_nted ouC th2!
<br />!~'br,l,x i ;u;y~sCe;l
<br />pn~, _11-.
<br />