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tn~,rf?Pf(4 <br />"It~J CounCii. <br />, 1~.~ ~~.~'ilC} <br />l~b~'t l.,e.nd 'c. For:; sCnt~>.d thcat i~. ~,,as ,~~ot:. in f>Z~:~or o+' ir~e pro~o;;al. r,i t!<<-tre <br />(Cont. ~ ~aould be a 1ot ~I :ion¢~y 'nvolve~l, Fc>rs ~ i~ s>tai.~ c' Cnal 'ne tl,ous~ht. <br />t Izc or:i.f'.~ina.l ,i_nt cnt ~vas to ,~~~n-c i.ic<~~ nrt~uc~rt~'r un~ er h:i;; ~ I~ine's oe <br />s,,,~r^p 1anQ. <br />.s I~ahe~ poinC~;~. ~~ut: CliaC rio mon~~9 liar ocen s,~~~nl: yct. <br />'or:,',ert, staied t4at tJi (i-i_}~ pr.c.,entl.y 6as~ u 1ot o` h.ill (,iel~~s, <br /><>i ,~ers, cl;cl not i`ee1 h~~ eoiild ,t~pporl:~ biryi.n:; : i~c acl:li.t ton2,1 ii.clds. <br />~r, ':an,oii st.aC~~c1 C4i.~t .n~~.ust.r?al. z~ropcrt~ wouicl ,c< <br />[ n~ ,P~eir~, scaCeci t naC t._~~c or.onert~ would n,iv~ a 1 i ~i.t.ed u;e, ~'ahey <br />'~elt th,it :toc!coy usc ~:ni ~'ir. ~zl. ,o ~~~:~ol_op. <br />'-r. t,or ~>~,-; dl_il ~inC Ecc~l. i:hcrc ~i2s en~~~~;h rlE~t.^.t~ncl t.o t~iarrt~nt pnr<~iasin„ <br />I:'le' t)T'Oi)P.YI'.)~, <br />r. Frzki:~y ~.r~tte~' l'-i_tt so~~n thcrc :ri.11. `~e no nr~xr_CV ava~l~.b].e i.n <br />C`ie CiCy. I'ahety ,te~te~;'. i.hat. t?~ir~ (,iP._9 lio~~e~l Co o~~cc.'~as~ nr.operty <br />on a conl ract for :!ced. 5~1. ~_s an~l vhen u,~~~~~ e'ev~~n~~es come; 1n thett <br />~ould b< usect c<> >ay the contracC. <br />'Ir. i,~qn ~n asicE;.c i.J t*~is wottl<i hav~ to no to a refere>ndian. 'I'iie <br />~ Lek'1< st~iPCd thnt e:i ~ond ~-ssuc (or~ p~e'c land ptin~:.ase~ woul.d havc~ <br />tr,> ~o Co a. zeieren~lu~no <br />r. ?~a11c ~ unr;c,' c~d C`ie~t thc cotinC'.1. P;h.Y:~~ about ~i t. t'ahe9 stated <br />lhat. in t i< .ne~~nCirne, t5o~ uar'c Co~i~n~ission trouLd cone~iiitic Co ~~;;_~l.ore <br />CUe i.rieea. <br />Cur'h 3~. 'Sr. `~or,~~~~i'2. re~i~orte.d ('iai: Che 'ubli.c `~o~ks Dep~u Lrnent. *,dn~tld l.i.',<e <br />'~lacl;lop I,~e Cour~t~ Cu inst<i1.1 bl~c!:con cur,~ an~l ~'~o~~'lslr,r aro~~n~~ Che Ci.Cy <br />Arounrl C~~nter ~rop<-~rt:y and 1' i.l.l th~ rli I ch :i.n. 7'ize County i.s t~i 1.1.-i_n~> lo <br />CiC~'ltal.7- do t:.}ic :~or't and iusC ch~ir~,,e c.b< C;I.t~ Lor Lne c.os;C of llie ,lacictoq~. <br /> ~'Ix~<COp co. t.-> i~naCe.d it ~2,~)Q0. ';'h~i.<, crill. nol c:f:fczcC <br />`;~tn<la ~i ,inaSS~ '-n t~ac eurea, <br />A~ici i t-i.On <br />.~,.rs. ~Scal.ze inCrod.uce~~ l~~m ti>~Llowi.n~; resc~lut~.i.oa tti~~l,.io~i~d ittt ~~tonCioil: <br />,~~u~ '~ 71T.OPI ~J. ~Cti_.~/-~37.3 -. >~ f~ ("9'CT i 13}? COZIj~'CY <br />"Pi) 1~S":'p\i;L il°CP?'{1?~ (`~':?'.g A) S!i01.I1,)' AP01)~'.I~i <br />;'r?; r,l'C`C C1 ~ r, n "'.t'h !-'.TY <br />~'h~ forc ;oi.n{; resolut~i.on ~~rrts du7Y secol e„ i?~~ 'r. flor~ >uz'3° <br />nyes (5) ~;llze, ror;bc~ ;, 't~~n;on, rei~c., ~uard_in,'_. <br />,~~,:ryes; (Ci. <br />T:e~so'1ut~i.on c'ecleired adontecl. <br />~iLs resoluC:iou >>~~ear: 'n 2eso7.ution 'oo'c tio~ 'll, pe„~., :;30a <br />'a~;e -1.~- <br />