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; r;,,r,,.,:s <br />r ~ ~:y ~;o~,.~,~,; ~ <br />Tut~, tt, 7.4s4 <br />Coun[~ Road, ir. P'or;~~er ~„ r'epoi'C ed tt~ai_ a mc~LOr i_n Cl~e: C'q~.mCy .~ac!'~~I li[C sLation <br />'h-^ I.~i E~ ~c~d Lo bE~ r ePler.,~~d r,rcentl.y, T1~u problc.m .~a5 cuz rectec~ 6rfaeE~ any <br />6tation Ju~~:ia:;es ~ver e done, <br />~<,ei~<lra <br />P.dcli. t. io^ <br />~c<<z.lydous ~~t. ~~ors~ci~ rer~orLed th~~t Che i=;nt 'ro `<nocr ~ct ~~~i.l.'t go lnto ~°~ fect- <br />;ubsCance nri Januar;~ l., 1qc~`~ <br />1'iraini.nt; <br /> r H~.nson i.nCro<'nced ~'nc Eo;l.l.o~n.n.; resol.utipn and i~iovcd i.ts ados>tion: <br />G~rcnd'a <br />Ll n~:a I`10. 20 :I':SOf I~'C7~JA? "C). `3G~-7 -314~ - A' > +pPI`iC '"T`'' <br /> ~-.i..~,~ ,L^ .!(:p )i ?0' ~~,,,t r ~ ~~~ %P;~;. ~'~~ r,t\:/A -'J)(llIS <br /> ;~,,~s, r , ~.~t~ ~~~„~ ~ ,,,~„ <br />'nr E~~rc.;o~ng re~,olut~.ou ~aas ctiiL~ 5ec.on~led b~ ~~.t. i°orsber';;, <br />l~yes (5) '?anson, 'orsl-re.~r ;, P2k,cY, `;c81zc~ ,-:en'd~i~~i. <br />'J,z~e.s (0). <br />?rso7ut~on declared adonCed. <br />i'llis re,olut~ion i~:~etxrs in i;esol.Ut~ion ;l~q~: ?do. I1, '?af;c 3.',L. <br />~~rank °-r, ?~ore`~urg i_ndicaCee t_h,et `tr. ~r~ni~ 7~rnt~a~l.o~~ shoal.-~ not: be x.,sued <br />i' any btri.lrlii~=, ~yc.rniC.; in ~rs cleV-;l.opmcnt trnCil Che I'oscl i ; ptrved. <br />~)C1 V n ~p~tnf Tl C <br /> r:~~ ~?n;?i.nner r~~(~or(ed t:h~,r. ?ir~. `7a1~_t~~, anpr~.iched }t u ~ :i s,reelc <br />F~:~nda or so a~o fo r ~i ~>c-rmi.t at Lhc end of: tt~e cul.-d~ -sac. "Lh c '~n;ineer <br />Ite i No. 24 .,Lat:en (haC ~iL i_i; n~i.s r~,crnmnend,iCi.ort ~~~~t. the road noC bc; pz?ved <br /> until nc .t J „~ order to e.nstn'~~~ Ch;~t lho c;round ciries out:. <br />.,4r, Por I, ~r~; Fr, 1 t tha[. i f t}u~ r~.i~t ,zas ~oC arcc ~i ~ b1e t.o, <br />( icn CLr ~~a>c ~.,-+s not oi'b;~eel~~ nsLal.led. <br />I'~~ '~ns;~ ,cer t.' t=.e ~, !tas not ntad a chance Co dry out:, <br />,^.~-arl<.y sCaCed t.hat i ic scr,r<t ~-n:i ~o,it~~r wero -,ust put in. <br />~-~'an~v ~ura0`~ Iii~iC iio unr~m~.ts rsl:touLtl b, ,_ssi~e<i unL~i_I C.'nc strE~et <br />is n'r~>ed, <br />~c ~;n~;ineer st;~l~'d thaC hc thou~;ht C'r~.c. Ci.ty ~aoitlr~ ;allo ~;'r? <br />(o '~u~il<< `: C}~e ~.ia~,e ~i.s ~n al.on, ,•r~ith t`te curbs~ <br />t i~~}~~.~~ _s':cd ~~~heit t.hc o'rrtintince s~CaLcs, 1'tiv oi'dinan<c, s?:a~,t~~ Cetat <br />t-he roa~l ~:,~isi. '~c 4~avecl. <br />.:[: ~.,as n:licaCrd Cii:~t z~er~ni.t ~-~i ;.ssn~d for the 4,nd o' I_he cul-de-s2ic.. <br />'r, ~`ahc ~ r~uesC~i.oned why I~.nis ~rtas done in I s!.~~? r tited C'iat: cJie ~ous~~ bc <br />i< ~ I.a•~.c.d ns i.t ~is ~i.n of tl~ic or,~i.nance. <br />-'a;;~! '0- <br />