<br />Ci_ty Council.
<br />Ju1q 11., 1`d~.[F
<br />2yan ~ir, ~~"ors~x r~ noirited o~~C- t'nrtt nc•n ~,~pp1~. c tnts a~ c- as'-ttns: v~kiy tLeY
<br />(u~lusCri_al. cannoi; ~`o ~rht~t. ( tei_r nei„h~>ox's i.n t:lic nark 2r ~ :loing. ~or'>bers;
<br />ai!c (ConL.) .tnte~l t~~at t:he (.~I1~~ i.s onl.~ as~e:in; P~'>r So^~e coir.non sensc i.n C'nr_
<br /> nairlc,
<br />~,
<br />'IC'. co--~~ ['+qu~ast:e~- i.~at 5~,n.ieon[ c~'om [.tie City ho..p t'xie '~~>>~~-nesYSe&
<br />Correction
<br />Res.84-7-320 i.n c;o:in„ C:~COUr!i t.n<~ ord~i.nance. "r'S. Sc~ala,e a;u c;ted th.,i: tl~i~
<br />b~a~~ines~ oaners can czill the "1 ~nnr,~r s~ou~t<1 t:l~~cy htive ,i 4>robl.c~r,~,
<br />and no charge by the Planner.
<br />'(r. Liclit stated tl~i~~t ~~~ost oi Lhe ordii~i;ince sec.i:i_c,>ns r'~ `c.e'enc:~d i.n
<br />Thc ht~ridouL are iricl.uded I iCer u~i t'ie h~.tndout.
<br />'h-'o '-tar~~,on staC~~d t_haC tt~a Cou~ici.1 s~r~uld 'nol.rl. vo['i<s'~~OO wi-Ch tie
<br />buslnesses ~t 7:30 .'.~K. on Aus;nst 29,
<br />`?r. 6'ahc~ i~gr,e5t,od l~.''ial. -ii~ t!~o r~ceinCi.rie Chn I>u i.~i<sse~ ga~t. souE~t'i~ins;
<br />to;;~c'tei iz~ ~a~~~~_i '.n,;. P~iney stai ed tha~ *~i'iaL~~v~r ~is zirl<>;~ted, t',~ C{ ty
<br />~vi?.l ei~iforce co~si,teni:ly ~i,~d i~ie C;:i.ty o~ould 'I_i'.c. I.h~is ordi.nance
<br />d~ne corcectly t ir Fir:;t t{me. aco~md.
<br />isc'~, wi:. Sornc, ci!ic->t:-ion oE ~,rl~c.t.her' or noi:. t;ne ,'ty sho~ild be cirl t~i.nc~,
<br />l'~c. I~>oi,ilcva.rds ii~i 7yan °err'c. i?r~,. £Sc:xl;;e d~i_d not fecl t_~8i.: Che -
<br />r~t:y s':iould i~e doi.np th s. ~•1e'~,. ~':ardi_ni z;r~ed.
<br />~i'. ":-?q1i~ [~e~1C tiaG a notice sho!~l.d be ,e;nl to e.ach bus~n~.s;s re~ard.iiis~~,
<br />Che c.r<n~,csnop. ~r. '?anson sCat.ecl i:liac he orouid ~~i'-;.c Chc res~o7~~ i~~~.lit}~
<br />Oi ,E'.t.Cin~T (:1'te'. 7>n 'neS.S'eF nOCi_i in(3.
<br />T'avi.i~ig OE '1r. !la.nson reporL~d thaf -?ranl: ratt.alone i'iais indi.c:ar_e.d thaC h~• ~a-i1L
<br />`nr~uce Str. ~ave~ Spr~.ice SL~ecC i.i hhc. GiLq ~~bta~ins r~~e necessary eASe~nent Fzorn
<br /> ~~4r. Scnrier.
<br />~1„c:lri~i
<br />itc.n ~•.o, 5 'Cl~c Ci.C~ ~Ci:orn~y r eport_e cl t.:hal_ he spo~c,~ s:r-i.f_h ~.r Schrier ~.tho ~nciicated
<br /> L.aaC t.h~ rc ~aas I~illc ahoi.~C cons( tu~.Ci.ng F~a-i.s ag a nri.vbatc :tre et_,
<br /> "'h~ Attorrtej stlCcd t:haC hc, ts sC~i_11 ncgoCi.~ting ~a:it _ iE7'. Sch~,i.er
<br /> on t l~~ee e.aSeme~nC.
<br />~.r. P7a.Ct_~Lone ~e'~orted ch~tt h~ i_ndi_cal~d i.n April or fay t!~at he i•ra.s
<br />.rii1.-i.ng Co nave. Si~ruc<.> >I~.x-cei:. ~'i'<aCta~~one~ statrcl t!.int lia ielJced Co
<br />;rliri.er vid hc *~ts agre~~a`~l.e to „ivi.nr; Che easen~ent. ,~'iti~-.r has
<br />Lc~o stuSs o~.f [~c `~tet~ro Se~~er lin~~ [11ttt ,~ave t~ ~e ztxl::~~nded. i.nto
<br />hi_s pro~>~rLy an~ t'ratta~l.onc tuoulcl t>c ;;~~~~i~,'~ir~ Schr-i.<~c' ~ pri.cti on
<br />L',Ci. S <
<br />r. ?'ratCal.one reportcd that: h~, ia, dug l.he i~e,it oul o~ cue road eind
<br />r.ts Lai.~l l:hc base. 7-tc ~,ri_1.1~ aluug ori_Y.'1 Spl~ir~ie~r9 ptiC th~~ street i_n
<br />anrl Lh,en dc<licaLe it to the Cit~~.
<br />Pc,.ge~ -6-
<br />