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"Q ~I: i~i~ r'~? c <br />f;i_ey Counci.L <br />J~.~ly 11, I`-;~;4 <br />1',yen ~~r. rx~~it~ al.ono ~~_ndi.c~tm<I l'~aC hc I~ae ,ilrcady de~i .cat~d tha hei1~ o): <br />Tna,istr~i.ri1 t'ie iroad rsrisanent hr-. i.s retsponsi'~~e for co the C7it~. <br />Na~r?c (~;~nt.` <br />~ ir. r+eos'x r_, ask~~l i_£ thr~ road n~is du; ouP. Eull c~!i_<li h. FreCCalone <br />r~~~l.~i.ed that 'it ~~xs. ?'r~itta'lon~~ r,ot~~1.d noC. undei,tand the Lo1d un on <br />t:h<. ~~ascrenC fro~~ -~cP;ri.ex-. I,raCealone alated C'iat; '~e ~a~n~Ld ,{~ea'c <br />to as;as.n. <br />'raP_Cal.ouc ~,cal.erl Lhat~. it r~.iay tu!:e. somc 1~.02 to ;rC. th~ p<~rmi.C iirc~~n <br />`e~tro Se*.ac~r' Eor ~,~;CCndin,; Lne s~~r.~nu- stub. <br />1)o~t ~~tll~itt:~ sttit(.ri, Cs~ac. ~,:.~ien Chc~ ~e~a~~.r wc,~nC ~i^ h~~. t7iouS;I~ th<~t. the <br />ri~i ro t~! ee>ea,cn[ ~aar ,~ncLcated. 'I't~e 'n~ ~ ~?lic:l Cn2t. Liie <br />Se~aer e~~~~~~ienC ,,, ~, c~~.,.d-care<l, but ~iot. t'i~~ road c i,,<~mcnt. <br />~r. Va~.cuf.o >u.;fSz51_rc L-,aC C~e r.nnutes x ie.see,ii-chr,c on C.~ns arc~au,e <br />~ir~ bel.~i.eve.r,! tfiat Chc C~i_Iy ~-erlu:i_ied '4nCr<~ 5ever to obtain [b.e roa<l <br />casement, <br />~(cs. >cal.ze comn~entn<! t:h~~t pcrf~~ips the C;~C~/ AtC~~r,1e~y ei.d noC ~~t. t:l~~e <br />uroper ei.,ement azt C.he t iim. i-ir. ~ItzlenGO statec~ t.tlat tVtat would I>e <br />'"et-ro ~9e~.wcr's faul.t and not tf,c~ C;L~'s< <br />'(ow~inr; Sn ~~;ro~-.l~~c; ast~il •q.~r. (,lnnzer ~,ak~i~ tlic C~ity is doi.n? mo i.n~i ~in "Zyan's <br />'?yan's Paek ludtistr~i<I '~ri:.. '°fr. Gl.~nz.c~r ~~cnlicd L~nC Che ;i.C.~~ rnow; i.iFierc Cne <br /> ~~~ss ~~roas ~a~ilc'~ nout~vard.s i_n i~ronl. o~ e*npCy lo[.s. r-i C=1an?er <br />Add~it:ian r~~orLed th at t}ie C~iGy u_F;s i_I~~ese I~ou7. evards for snoao r.'e~.iovn7. and <br />1'o Tht~ ui~._i.~I~i.tiFS. <br />An,ende+ <br /> --r.>. ~calr. ~is'..r,~l *.ahy Che Ci_Cy rfoes no ,oa~ing in Larry ~_ce's par~c. <br /> '(r. C'1~rni~~r repl I.erl t:hat th~ City d:i.d do ~~o~ain~ Lei L~irry C,ee's parlr.. <br />~lan~er iapor~Cec9 tltat tlie Count_y ~r~oo~s iu resideuci_al area, ~n CounLy <br />roa~is. <br />~.?~~n Lanr,l ~.i. ~?atison noint_e:7 out ta~tt: t}ir- 'n~~, ~i, re< or~~,endi.n~; (:hat Che Ci.Cy <br />"i.l;l. Perm:! C apF,>rove t ~ c ?2pan I anrl F~ 11 ,~entii_C. <br />nn~~~rla I>>c ;n~;jn~,cr _repoi~ted t~iei[ he ti~s lczo'-:ed over t -ie s-Cuati.on and ~is <br />~tem ~fo. G runn~n~ levcls. =te ~oi l.l l~~avc f~irt.!ier ~i_nCoi~~at~~ oii at Che next Gounc:i_? <br /> mnP.C:i1u,. <br />~~c Lrr•~ineer a~lso renortect that "r. Ey~in li!cE~ mo~e ~,aork in tl~~e <br />.u-ea oF mrucs~ Strre>t~, sn<i Che. d~.t_ch talo~u; Che sotrt:h oP. the pranc~rt~, buC <br />he ~,ri7.l. report PurCher on CI-~~i.s at Che n~.xC. Ctiuncll mc~eC-ing. <br />n<~ '~.rit;incFr r~~•.cnn~nnnri,ed CPiat th~, (~i_11 p~r.~~i?C. for cove.tin; the cx,~osed <br />~Amuc~~7 p~ pr 1. 1>E. ap~>rove<t aC G i~ s ~. <br />i~FZr e -~- <br />