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~vt,f ar~ 7? '.~;.`i <br />[;i_Cy Co~n~ici.l. <br />July 11, t9s1G <br />f~irrv Lc^. ~3. ir:.alzc i.ntoi o~~l ?'1r. Lca C"t~it t:lic e~~si.denC5 or i?~.irke~ i,anc are <br />(ConC.) i:,AinsC thc rezon n~,, "_riese pCOal~ c,o nbC went an i.~ndi.~stri_al. ~cir6~ <br />ne.tit Ito thei;i. <br />'r, liorsb~.xs; ~eporCetd t'~at C~.he~. ~.~lounci.l f'~a=nbcrs taas Pu71 of p~op7_e <br />,ind t:lie Co~inc~i.'l and "lanuuz~ Co ~nss~ion hoCh voCed Cr~ <'eny tk,e <br />rezon;.n~;. <br />~orsbex~.^, i;lc.e:~.u ~~h.~I '~€i~. L~~e I.~itcnds i:o do beC*.ecen t~i.s < i.>C~im; par',, <br />iud the~Ia~orc '2oa~~t au-~-~a. '1r. ~,ee report.ed tl~i<it '~e. l~~a s;racied t~ie arc~i. <br />'i'he At.torn~~y rec~orted C`,<ii: ttie ~rd~i.neanc~ 5t~~ite: Piiat.: LT ~i nroposa:l. <br />~i, de~n-ierl i.t. c.aunoC be ~<.consi.dered Eor ,:i;, r.~ontkis9 unJc,s Che <br />Coiulcil i~, (,dC Cl~erc. wa, co»(usion L}~Ht ~~aoul<l hntvc i:ii.S~I.enrl ~~ir. <br />Tee as t~> ari,.:at: ~'ie }>>ro;~ i:o ~.a~is. <br />~[r. Fahcy ~teaced Uaat t~ic co~~1d acc.ef~t. t`!i.s~ Sut oiould not cl'ian;e h:i.s <br />votc ~ased on `eeti.n;s oi' C~c~ '3urlce Lan~ie i-< i~lents !~al~~e9 Tao~~_nCcd <br />Out t"aC t?1e Coiq~<<;hCn,iv~ P1an d:i.d no[.[~ C%lis ~rc>peirCy a5 <br />:Cndus'tri.aJ.. <br />r~ ,. ;~s'<c•~l ~i.f b/ ippi~•ovtrin, the reven~ic honds Po~° <br />'.F~-. Lee '` che ~;it~ went ~ steo t~•,oards tiie i-er~~n:in~;. 'R-. '[~ah~ay <br />coros~enCC<'. fJ~~at I~ii~ was noC corieci: anc. t;~a Ci_ty only ~p~roved Chis <br />in urc4a:.. `~or i°ir, Lce to ;ef, i.n be>,i'ore tlie ne,,;~r 1~,~_slati~n aa, <br />pissed ior i.ndu,Lria1. z~cver~niea bonds. <br />~ <br />-fir. I~orsoer~,; co,i=~enCed chaC onc o[ C~.e t,, tuF~ re~s~.dc.nts oL itiur~ce <br />~,~v~e werE• hapny r,~bouC cris tht~t: the m~atCer cou7.~1 not I~~~ reronsirlezecl <br />for s~ix r.~ont.ns, <br />:r, I.~ee L~~,~~,i.CCe~I [hr~C h~. ~r.csscd up and stiot~.ld :iave l~ecn eit t:h<~ <br />nc?r i.n;;. <br />"r. Li.c~~~~ staLeri l ~i~it t~roce< tize ~pp1.l.cation is dead and f?r. <br />?ee ~:~u,t rr~'ile ~.o~~ill.~~ and ~i11 ci~e noti.ce, mout~i bc sent ot~C ~ig~~in. <br />:rs. ;,ai ~ i.~~; stal ed Chat ( f thc ~.~rfce f,tine~. peo ~1.e ~o~•re ta;reeabl.e~, <br />She. woul t I~niri!:, al~ouC t~e x'r:,e.onin:;. <br />'dr.. Lee ,ta,ted ch~.iC he ~aould spr,~id. Chc noney a~ i sl~ecik [.o t~~ Bur!cc <br />T,ane ~eo~le i( he c.outd have Ciie rec;uc~st reconsi~iere~l ~~cYor~ s:i;: <br />months. <br />~~orsber , rn ~.t C~iat t:%ic ',a ~orc 1 oad pco»1c shoul J. ?~e sat i s[! hm[orc <br />f~.he C~iC~'x;~ins anot{icr ~°~roj<.,ct ~~i(h',;r. t,ec. <br />~Irs. Scilre sss~~~ i.i. ac[:i.on to r~consi~let' has io ca'r.-.e ~lic.e. a.C t.he <br />neii~. Counci.t rne~~t i_n~; foltoains, the denia].. The> ~ttorncq 6tnte:( i:hett. <br />a r~~ot~.Lon to racunsi.der ;Za~d 6:o cr~-~ae. at t i-i.~ o-i~;c~C~nr, and ~_I~~en t1~ic <br />~.iCter trs h~forc, ch~-~ Cunucil ,i~?2ii.n. <br />:~,.~nr __L?_ <br />o ~~ <br />