.:~[Lr~r'i`t,. ~
<br />C'it:v Coi.tnc i.l.
<br />July ~tl, 19f;(~
<br />~,arr~ Lee i'nc Plan,ier Si:alecl thaC L'.^,e Coin~cil. C~)uld ra^contiCler tl~~~ ~ii[o7~o>:~1
<br />;Cont:o} C rec^n( ly ~~enicd, ot' `fr. L~~e had t}ie opti_or~ oF PutC~i.~i; ;.3 ne,o
<br />~~~opos~il '~efore the Cou~ici.l.. `L' ~zt ;aou7.d recat~ire preser~[<ii~.i.o~~i Co
<br />t z~, ;>laun~nq Coi~ii.saion ~md I:.;~e.' iol.:i_ce> ,lnd ,•~,..iLli.c, hcen ~.ng°
<br />'fhe 1T_CO~n~ay ,re~porCed Cn~t a. recf_s~ion rcoi~,_res ;i 7_~Rrd~s ~ioCa,
<br />~'?ie !~[C<~i,iey sCaLed t.hFat lL i:hc (;ounci_1 w2nts Lo cecpnsidec Che
<br />(ormc:r pro,~osa1, ~t s'-ioiil.d voCe Co recoii;ic'~ar ziL lni.s iineLi_n;
<br />~tnc cari (}~en Ca! I c acl:i.on on th~. p~ropo5.i 1 unt: ~i.7 Ir. Le~ '.:~ .>,~olccn
<br />f'.O i:~'tC TIC1:~~7~)OZ'5e
<br />%[r. l~ort x.i-; st-aiccl C3ial .ie_ '.,r~i, noC ~in Cavut' o; t'ia.t ti.s C}ZC nc~ ;til~ors
<br />d~i.rl not w4~rtt I:.o corna i.n 1.or s:ir rnnnths.
<br />'a~t°cli ni st:~Cecl Ln. C ~hc c~,ou'L ~ not voC~~ i nr tlie >i'o[~osti I iinl.c~,s ti~c
<br />r~.!:e L1.nc res~i~lents wer • i.n F;ivor.
<br />~ors~~~.r_ sCaGed thf~e he ~oould ea.Cncr looc et. a iu.:a pz-oFSOSaI..
<br />~~. P1.annt.r sta(r; thaC thn nro~o~~l. ti>>,I_ ;ia, den:i.~d c.~n ~r~r~e bacl:
<br />'~e~o~.e l~~c <buo~i.l ~in ., : rio~nt.tz~ ui~I.c.ss i'~ie Gonn~.l1 ~~otes to recor~si_der
<br />i_C no~a b~ a~~~SCh'S votr~. Roe„cvcr, !ir. T.~ee ca~u f~i1e n toCzil.1.Y ne~o
<br />conce~~i:. to!notrro~.;~,
<br />'Pl~ie ACt~ruey a,n,~c~>d ChaC a nen~ conce~~~t~. i'nvo~l.viii~:; mor.e or 1e~.5, 'L;~nd
<br />runl.;.t N>c f i.1ed t~~r '-9r, Lce Coiaorrowe ~ -
<br />°!i. Faih~y ,tated t_~raC hr~ d,id not. l~uy tl:ii ;. ?'ahey f.e1t th~it ci~c !.ssue.
<br />~•ta~, c1os~~rl foir si ; r,ionG~is mn;l t~ re szas no bas~s for rcc~ns~i.der~~tion
<br />until. tt~aL ti-mc.
<br />"'he ~t.t.oxnc~~- st:aCeel thait ;.i Chic n~~o~~erC~ c-'as no~ ;ub,teint'a71y Ct~e
<br />rue, i.t_ ~oou?.rl I~~ .:onsi_<cred e. du°fer¢n~ a;~pl.l.cflt~i.on.
<br />Lhe Pl.aniicx po~~ nt ~~d out t liaC i.i €r. T,c~ nou7.ci not ~;eC /E voi:~~ , to
<br />~ECOrtu~id<~ir Cne x~ion~i_n<>, T_ne 4 voCes to ap~)ro.~c a r¢?,ouiu„ *s~3ire not
<br />C'ucre a1so.
<br />~.r, J~ee i;'zcti i.i_ ti:: add.r<t t'~e Zoc't ~roa~err~r i-.o t:he pronosal, :i`
<br />t.h~is ~~oi~1,r,- b~. consirlorea a i~ie;v ~n~~7.ic~aL~on. '~[r. ]~otsbei.; f.elt CiuC
<br />I'11~is ~~~oi~Lri i~e suhstanCi.nlJ.y tiie~ u:~c p?:bnart~. "CI~c2 iAtCOrncy _tuted
<br />I,i;aG t:ln ;~~oul.rl '~e c~~ Conru ~ 1 de< ~!_si.on.
<br />~'ir Pla,oncr st:nfed ~:hat U- ~.rou~l.d Se }+_~is o;7~nion that i.' '~r. I.ee ~tdde.:!
<br />c~~ro acr~~s i~.o C,ie ~ronccty, it ~.,roul.d zC~.i I.1 be ,u'~~,~.auC:i~il ly c4e s~i~ne
<br />and not i~ ccpti:~'~ I c as a~,~~so app I i~-atS o~i.
<br />Ytr. Lea ~ts~cec :i.f ~°fID, ,ohich tap~ild :i.nvo''.ve a c~~s`ercne iise, ~aouid, be
<br />c~msi~tered a ne.c :x~i~l~i.c~it~~i.on. 1"~r ~l.ann<.r st;;~ted Chat IP,at t~ad pot<~nt:ial..
<br />'he Plannn~r 5Cate~i i~.hat Ei e~:ixtu~ct of t.tsu ~4oul.d :~;~ a diii:crenC t>;~I.~icet~i.on.
<br />P:ige -1.f?-
<br />