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P9LNU'PI?S <br />City Council. <br />.7ul.y 25, 19£34 <br />Sign <br />Ordinance <br />(Cont.) <br />Mr. Porsber.g i.ntroduced the Eollowin~; ordinance and moved its adoption: <br />ORllINANCE N0. 23~s - AP9ENDING S~CTION 903.110 <br />SIGNS OP Ttill's 70NING CODE OF 'Pl~IT MUNICIPAL <br />CODP OL' 'Pll~ CITY OB LIT7'LP CANADA <br />The f.ore~oing ordinance was duly seconded by Mr.s. Nardini.. <br />Ayes (4) Forsb~r~, Nardini, Sca7.ze, S~ahey. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Ordinance declared adopCed. <br />Land Fil.1. The Clerk asked if under the land Ei11 and escavating ordinance <br />&}; submi.tted by the PLanner f:or consideration, it oras necessary to <br />have a topo for a 350 f:oot circumfer.ance of a property. The <br />Agenda Planner replied that the topo i.s only required f:or the property <br />Item No. 16 i.tself:. <br />Mr. Forsberg asked the En~;i.neer his feeli.ngs on the proposed ordinance. <br />The Engi.neer replied that he feLt the need for a permi.t for 25 yards <br />of fi11 was 1ow. 'Lhe En,n,ineer poi.nted out that pr.esently tlie Ci.ty <br />requires a permit f.or 1.00 yar.ds of fill or more. The Pn~ineer. stated <br />that the escavation £or a basement would be on the average 220 yards. <br />hlr. Porsber~; sCated that the excavation di.rt f:rom t:he basement along <br />with 10 loads oE dirt i.s a lot of Li11. Por.sberg commented that Che <br />development of Yayne Avenue has caused run-off. onto the properties <br />al.on~; Tdgerton. <br />1•1rs. ScaLze pointed out thar. the excavation Lrom a 5,000 square foot <br />home would be a lot. of: fi11. Scalze stated that a fi11 permit should <br />be required for. a basement of that size. <br />The T:ngineer stated that sometimes 500 yards of. f.ill coi11 not cause <br />a probLem and other times LO yards of fi1.1 ~oill. <br />Mr.. Porsberg felC that over 25 yar.ds of: fi.11 wi11 change the drainage <br />of a property. Porsberg sai.d t:hat the 25 yard fi,ure was arri.ved at <br />so tltat two loads of f.ill. could be brought i.n wi.thout a permiC. <br />Mrs. Dlardini pointed out thaC i.t i.s recomrnended tliat no charge be made <br />f:or Che permit f.or. 25 to 75 yards of fill. The Planner stated t:hat <br />the permit Lai11 just give the ofLi.ce staEf an opporturri.tyto review <br />what i.s being done. <br />Pahey stated that he had a problem the permi.ts having to be <br />cleared by the Buildi_ng Inspector, Planner an<I rngineer. Pahey f.elt <br />that Che Planner di.d not have to be :i.nvol.ved. Pors}>erg f:e1T. that <br />, over 75 yarcts should be revi.ewecl by Che Engineer. <br />Page -15- <br />