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MINUTF;S <br />Ci.t:y Cotmci.l <br />July 25, 1984 <br />Pilli_nn & Pahey stated that i.f the C:ity i.s a probl.em, he is <br />]ixcava[i.on to try some[hi_ng dif£ erent. <br />(Cont.) <br /> Mrs. Scalze asked who pr.esently i,sues the permits. The CiLy Clerk <br /> repl.i.ed that he c(id, <br /> C4r. i'ahey asl<ed what i.s done ~ahen the City d:iscovers an ille~;a1 fi.l.l~ing <br /> operation. The CLerlc replied that these are tur.ned over to the <br /> Inspector. <br />Mrs, staCed Chat the C:ity h1s a problem i.n that there are some <br />open-ended fill permits baclc as as 1977. 'Chese permits have no <br />expirati.on date. <br />Mrs. D7ardinS. stated that in putting together the ordi.nance i.t was <br />feLt that the Citq Cleri< should talce the application and handl.e the <br />fees and then the permit should be Lurned over to the Building <br />Inspeccor.. <br />The City Clertc fel.t t:hat there should be an char.~;e <br />Eor permi.ts for 25 to 75 yards of fi.ll, The Clerlc also aslced who <br />pays for eng,i,neering fees should the Engzneer become involved. <br />The Planner. replied that thi.s was not covered in the ordi.nance. <br />Council felC that these should be pass-throu~h charges to the appli.cant, <br />and this should, be pr.ovided for i.n the ordinance. <br />14rs. Scalze pointed out that: the [ee Eor 7 5 to 250 yards of Li.ll <br />was $250. Scalze aslced i.f all. the Eee is not used, if the bczlance <br />would be refunded to the applicant. <br />It ~vas Council feelin~ that. a 610 admi.nistrative charge ~Lus any <br />other costs by the City due r.o T.he applicati.on should be <br />retained and the balance of the fee should be ref.unded to the appli.cant. <br />It was poi.nCed ouC that this is C:ity policy for conditional use permi.ts. <br />Mrs. Nardini also fel.t that a~].0 admi.nistrative Eee should be <br />chargecl £or permits for 25 to 75 yards of fill. <br />Mrs. Scalze also indicated that uncter //2 Technical. Reports the <br />Planner and City Attorney should be removed. <br />The attor.ney f.el.t that Section L501.050 should be stridcen Lrom the <br />ordi.nance as it is too cosC].y and not necessary. <br />P1rs. fel.t that the AtCOrney should revieca the pro»osed <br />ordi.nance atter i.t i.s updated by the Planner. <br />The clerlc askecl ltow the Lee for the bond would Ue set< Nlr, Pa1~ey <br />poinCed otrt that the ordin:ince i.ndicates that the counci.l wi11 set <br />the bon<i, but that a bond should not be required in routine cases. <br />Page -16- <br />