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MINt7TIiS <br />C~ity Council <br />Ju1y 25, 1984 <br />L'ri.son Lot Mr. I'ranlc Prison appeared before the Council requesting approval <br /> of a lot Mr. Fri.son ~resently has three lots which he would <br />li.lce lot l.i.nes adjusted so thaC he would have Cwo loTS. <br />Agenda <br />Item No. 4 Mr. l~ahey reporCed that T4r.. Frison o~ould have to drainage <br />easements ar.ound the lot li.nes as recommended in the Pl.anner's <br />July 9 reporC. <br />The Engineer r.eported that sewer and ~oater is i.n the area and <br />the drainage easements are all that is necessar.y. <br />Nlr. Prison also informed the Council that the shed on the property <br />has been torn down. This was a requiremenC contai.ned i.n the Planner's <br />r.eporti. <br />Mrs. Scalze introduced the fo7lowing resol.uti.on and moved its adopCionc <br />RPSOLU'LION N0. 84-7-321 - A~PROVING TktE SIMPLE <br />LOT SPLIT I2PQU~STGU S3Y KR. FRANK PRISON SIJIIJPCT <br />TO Tl-IE STIPULATION 'fl~tAT DRAINAGF rASEMENTS BP <br />PROVIDIsD ALONG LO'C LINF.S AND SlIt3JPCT TO THG <br />RIiCOMyEP1DATI0NS OT TIII: CITY ATTORNliY ANU TIIE <br />PNGINI?Et: <br />The £oregoing resoluti.on cvas duly seconded by Mr< Forsberg, <br />Ayes (4) Pahey, Scalze, Porsberg, <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resol.ution declared adopted. <br />This resoLuCton appears in Resolution T3ool< No. 11, Page 339. <br />P1r. I'ahey asl<ed i.f the Ci.ty Attorney will pr.epare the easements. <br />The Attorney repli_ed that he could do this and indicated that he ~vi11 <br />have to confirm ti.tle of the property <br />Mrs. aslced i.f any ShoreLand requisements appliect in this case <br />as the property i.s withi.n 1.,000 feet of a body of wa[er.. Mr.. Grittman <br />r.eplied that Shoreland requirements came into play cahen a lot abutted <br />a 1ake. <br /> asked i.f there was any requiremenC for elevation of Che building <br />~ad. The Planner replied that_ pad must be three f.eet above <br />the highesC water level.. 7'his is an checlc by t:he <br />I3uiLdin~; <br />Lynch Lot Mrs. Dorothy Lynch appeared befor.e the Coimcil requesting approval <br />Spl.i.C of a properCy dzvision. The Planning Commi.ssion recommended approval <br />7 ro 0. <br />A~enda <br />Jtem No. 5 Mrs. Scll.ze ~informed Mrs. Lynch that drai.nage easements wi17. be <br />Page -2- <br />