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`~IINUTI;S <br />C:ity Com~cil <br />Jul.y 75, 1.984 <br />Thunder Bay Mr. Fahey Lelt thaC there should be a soLuti.on to the parlc charge questi.on, <br />Adclition the cul-de-sac, and that the homes shoulcl be shown on the plat <br />(Cont.) before the Counci.l malces a decision. <br />Mr. I[olzschuh astced the Cotmcil's plans for A1.len Avenue. Mr, Pahey <br />repli.ed that the Councilfeel.s that ALlen should ~o through to Payne <br />Avenue. <br />P1r. Holzschuh stated that he has property tied up unti_1 Allen Avenue <br />goes through. Ilolzschuh stated Chat the Department would <br />lilce the street to go throu~;h. <br />Mr. tiolzschut~ fel.t that the City was nolding up Al1en Avenue. Mr. <br />Por.sberg stated that the City is not i.n the ctevelopment business and <br />only acts on what developers in. Scalze stated that tlie Ci.ty <br />has alcaays recommended that A11en Avenue go t:hrough< <br />P1ary Peterson, a resident of the area, stateci that she was concerned <br />that Allen Avenue would go through right across f.rom her driveway. <br />A1r, Pahey statec! that i.t ap~ears that A11en Gvenue cai11 go throu~h <br />where it is shown. <br />Pahey stated that the I?n~;ineer should review the regard to <br />drai.nage and roads. Fahey stated that the plat Ue compared with <br />the City's thoroughfare plane <br />Mrs. Nardini. i.ntroduced the follo~ving resolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION AIO. f34-%-327 - CLOSING 'PIIG PU~LIC <br />HEARIN~ON THP: THUNDE1313AY ADDITION 7?RPI.~IMINARY <br />PLAT <br />The resolution was dul.y seconded by P1re PorsbeT•g. <br />Ayes (5) Nardini, Porsber.g, Fahey, Scalze. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolution declared adopte<1. <br />This resol.u[ion appears in Resolut:.ion l~oolc No. 11, Page 345. <br />Mrs. Scalze indicaCed that i.f Mr. Cetctt does noC l.ike the Parlc Commi.ssion, <br />r.ecornmendati.on, he will have to coortc with them on it. Scalze stated <br />thaC the next Park Commission meeting is August 16, <br />Mrs. Vardini. :introduced the follocuing resoluti.on and moved its adoption: <br />RESOL,U"t'ION N0. 84-7-32t3 - TAFSLING ACTION ON 'CHE <br />'C1IUNDPR I3AY Pl3CLIMINARY PLAT AND RPFT:RI2ING T191; <br />PLt1T TO THT' ENGIN~:~R POR TOT~L DRAINAGF. CONSIllERATION <br />OT TRE ARJ:A AND FLASII3ILI'LY OF 'CI~]'s ROADS AS PROPOSLD <br />IN COMPARISON WI'CH THP TF10I20UGHFARE PLAN ADOPTED <br />Page -7- <br />