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MINIITES <br />Ci.ty Council <br />,Jul.y 'L5, 19£34 <br />Thunder ~3ay Mr. Ce!ca stated that he woul.d to dedicate property under the <br />Adc(iCion power for his park charge. Cealc also aslceci iS the assessments <br />(Cont.) for pav:ing this portion of property couLd be char.ged against the <br />park. <br />D1rs. Scalze inLormed Mr< Ceka tkiat i.n a recent devel.opment, the <br />assessments for the parlc property were spread oat over the remainder <br />of the cievelopmenr< <br />Mrs> Scalze informed the Counci.l that on November 14~ 7.931. the Parlc <br />Commiss:ion decided they would I.:i.lce the property f:rom Ar.cade Co Payne <br />Avenue tmder the power A nee<I was also cletermi.ned for play areas <br />and ball f:ieldse <br />'k cc>rr~,;;ti<n~ M~ s,~, Scal.a,e reportect that the Parlc Commi.ssion would lilce 350 f.eet on the <br />n`' ~ <br />Min.8%8~'84 -~es~- of: 7'hunder T3ay Road and ?2.5 F.eet on tha--c~3~; <br />Res.84-E3-37 <br />Mr. Pahey poi.nted ouC that the plat i.s changed si.Qnif~icantly i.n regards <br />to the end of 'fhunder Bay 13oad from what was or~i~;inally submiCted. <br /> the number ot lots has been increased, <br />29r. Celca stated that there i.s no pr.oblem with shortening the cul de sac <br />to 500 f:eet. Celca stated that he would li.lce to put the street in so <br />that it can be extended in Che future, <br />~1r. Pahey Eelt that the Planner should review the new plat:. <br />Mr. Car].ey stated that the County ditch system must be completely <br />planned out. The di.tch would have to ~;o throu~;h the Jespersen and <br />Valento property. The Sophi.e and Peterson property would also be <br />involved. The rngineer stated that he cvoulct lilce to study th:i.s <br />further, <br />Mr. Pahey stated that he was noC prepared Co act on the plat at this <br />point until the Planner., Engi.neer anct Partc Commi.ssion look at the <br />proposal. <br />Mr. Fahey pointed out the drainage pr.oblems the City had on Payne <br />Avenue ancl sY.ated that the City wantec! to avoid this here, Celca <br />stated that he had no ar.p,ument the drair.age issues. <br />The City Clerlc £elt that the Bngi.neer should look inCO, for <br />thi.s plat. The I?ngi.neer stated tliat an overall ponding area must <br />be considered for thi.s area. <br />Mrs. Scalze stated that: the obvi.ous place for would be under <br />the power lines anc9 tkii.s could be worl<ed in with t:he trail syst:em. <br />The Bngineer stated that the watermai.n in the ar.ea should also be looped. <br />The En~;ineer stated that he felt thi.s should be a publ.i.c i_mprovement <br />because of the thaC are involved, <br />Page -6- <br />