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ranitrr~:s <br />c;.~:y c~~~„~; i <br />Aug. f3, 1.9f24 <br />P4~1 I'CA Ji.m Warner of. the hlinnesot:a Poll.uti.on Control. tAgency apZ>eeured before <br />the Ooailcil, Mr. Warner reported that Che PCA has been requested to <br />Agenda inForrn the Council. about Lhei.r re].aCi_onshi.p witil the Ci.ty i.n Che <br />Addi.ti_on permi.t process. <br />PQr. t~?arner i.nEormed t:he Counc~il t~.hat Che I?<7A permi.t cloes not override <br />the Ci.ty's permi.t. <br />Mrs. aslce~l what ha~pens .in the case wliere the C;i.ey refuses <br />issuance of a fi.1l.~~ermi.h, ~nd the PCA 1~as ap~~roved a~ermi.t. Mr. <br />~dzirner repl.i.ed that the party could noC oper.ate ~a:i.thout the Cit:y's <br />[>eYmiL< <br />Mrs. Scalze commented that Che Cj.ty does not have the nor man- <br />t~ower to ckicdc out for permi.t:s as the PCA does, <br />Mr. Warner commented that when the PCA rev~i.e~as a permi.t appl.icat:i.on, <br />it does so from an environmental standpo~.nt, 7'he C~ity would also <br />consi.der tr.anspovtaCion i.ssues. <br />Nlrs. Scalze suggesY:ed that perhaps the C:i.ty should not act on a permit <br />unti.l. the PCA has< <br />Mr, Warner stated tl'~at presently ttie PCA only acts on large demol~itl.on <br />per.mits over 5,000 cubi.c yards. <br />P:1rs< Scal.ze aslced aboui: the operation that, conta~in <br />hazardous wastes, Scal.ze commented thaC i.n the case oE~ Che Fr.anl< <br />Prattalone demoliti.on permzt, the City di_d not (cnow cohat to l.oolc <br />for, t4r, ~darner re~lieel that ~in the Nort:hwest Banlc bui.lding demol.i.tion, <br />any hazar<lous materi.als had been removed from the before <br />i.t was demolished. NIr. Pr.a[ was hautinp., concreCe and some rnetal< <br />Mr, Hanson asl.ced if the City could request that the PCA become involveci <br />i.n smaller than 5~000 cubi.c yard operaeions< iYtr. Warner rep7.ied <br />that the city could requ<~st this, but. the PCA wotild have to <br />at. the time of requesC i_f i.C had the time and staff. availabl.e to <br />become i.nvolvede <br />Mr. Glarner stated that the PCA llas a handout that he w:il.l suPP~Y <br />tne Ci.ty thaC speLls out what to look for in these demol.ition permi.ts. <br />~1rs. Scalze po:i.nt:ed out that in the case of. Mr. FratT.alone he was <br />al.most done f:illing be£ore the POA issued him a perrnit. Mr. Flarne:r <br />repl.ied thaC the PCA gave I'rattelonc a pecmit: Co stodcp~ile, <br /> the th~t sl~~ou7.d the .f:911 permit not be appzoved, <br />the material.s would h~ve to be removed< 'Che PCA ~lso analyzed Che <br />me.tter~i.a1 and i.nspectect ttic site. <br />P~h~ -?- <br />