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~TNTrrt:s <br />C;iCy Counci-1 <br />August £3, 193~F <br />Demont Street t4r. Kenneth WelCZin ot Rarnsey County lppear.ed before the Co~mcil.. <br />Mr. ~deltzi.n reported that i.n APri.l the State turned over Vilcing <br />A~end~ Drive and Canabury Drive to the C,itye As a resul.C,Uemont Avenue <br />Ttem \o. 4 f:rom Ri_ce to Canabury i.s a County Road w:ith no connecti.on to t:he <br />County roadway system. <br />Mr< Weltzin stated that Che County would lilce to turn over Demont <br />t:o the City. 7'he County has d:i.scussed Chi.s with Ci.ty stafL and ~;ot <br />their feeling as to whaC i., needed to upgradc the road to the <br />po~int t}tat the Ci.ty would accept it. Mr. ~^Iel[zin reported tliat the <br />County determined that tY~ose i.mprovements would cost $25,000 and, <br />therefore, offered the City $25,000 cr.edi.t ag<~:inst Coi.~nty servi.ces <br />at a rate of: $5,000 per year f:or the next 5 years i.E the City would <br />accept Demont. <br />Mr. Hanson aslced i.f. the improvemenCS i.nc7.uded the di.CChes ~nd drainave. <br />t~[r. Weltzin st;aCed Chat drain~~;e has never been a fw~cti.on of the <br />County. S~Iel.tzin staCed th~at the improvements :i.ncl.uded <br />and some widen:i.n~ and a cc~tch bas,in. <br />Mrs. Scal.ze felt that Che $25,000 fi~ure was f.'ar Erom acleq~~ate. <br />Sc.alze a'1so poi.nted ouC t:hat the fr-eewany cut the road i.n ha].F arid, <br />theref.ore, the road does not t4.e i.n wiLh the County rc~ad system. <br />?9r. l~Icltzin r.eported that I.>emont i, sucii a low priori_t~ on the County';; <br />list that i.t wi11 never be constructed in his, The CotmT.y <br />real~i.zes it: i.s a poor road, but does not have t:he money to ~improve <br />i.t. Mr. ?deltzi.n f:el.t Chat the Ci.ty should accept the road so tha[ <br />it can be improved, the road wi11. stay i.n the condi.ti.on <br />Chat it i.s. <br />Mr.s. suggested thaC the Ci_ty ~np.,i.neer ].ook at the road and <br />deCermine o~hat:needsto be done and how much i.t will. cost. i~1r. Hanson <br />sugnested tliat the Pn~;i.neer revi.ew the County speciEicaCions for <br /> the road< <br />i:1~r. idel.tzin stated ChaC he was not: sure, buC thought Che CounCy mip,ht <br />have the power to Curn Che road over. to tl,ie City, w:i.[hout the City's <br /> to accept it, <br />~Sr.. Fahey aslced i.f. i_t wouid be a matter of: before County Road <br />53-2 would be turned over to Che Ci_ty. Mr. 11e1tri.n staCed that: he <br />di_d not beli.eve so as it was hi.s opi.n:ion that: the road was ot Cotmty- <br /> s~i.gnif:~icance beeaiuse o£ the schools 1.ocaCed on the road. <br />Mrs. Diardi.~ri pointed out: thaC there is a possibl.lity that Chese <br />school.s would be closed. <br />~~4r. rleltz~i.n stated that i:he people on Demont woulct li.l.ce something <br />done tt~e road and the Ci.ty could do somethi.n~ under munici.pal <br />State ?del.tzi.n stated th,:it the County is not any aid <br />to maintai.n County roads, <br />Mr. Itanson t:hanl<ed Mr. 'deltzin and stated that tt~e C:ity would get an <br />opi.nion from :its ISng~i.neer on Ch~ maCter. <br />Pape -3- <br />