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MINIPCF,S Oi' 7'HE 4JORKSl~OY Mlil:'CING <br />CI'CY COUDIC:[], <br />L~CCCLG CAN~DA, MtiD7:V1i:SOTA <br />Aug~,~st 29, 7<aE3[F <br />Pursuant t:o duc call. and noti.ce Chereof a worlcshop meeCing oE the <br />Counc~il ot Che Cil~.y of' I,:i.tkle Canad~, Mi_nnc,ot~ was 1ie.1.d on ti.~e <br />29Ch day of Au~ust, ].934 in thc Counc.i.l Chambers oF the City Center <br />1ocaC~d 2t 515 T,,:i.ttl.e Canada ~toad ~in ,aid Cityo <br />?layor. Raymond }Ianson cha~ired t:l~e meeting and ca7.lecl it Co order at <br />7:34 P.S4, and the follo~ai.n~ were prese~t a[ roll. cal.l: <br />i4P?~I!37~,R5 PRI?S~N'C: <br />A1ayo r <br /> <br />Counci_lman <br />Councilwoman <br />Co~mci 1~,ooman <br />Mr. R~ymond Elanson <br />`~lr, bti.chael Pztl ~y <br />Mra Denni.s 1'orsberg <br />r4rs= !1up.,s iVarctini. <br />M~s. Beverly <br />ALSO PRLSF.N'I'. <br />Ci.ty Planner <br /> Secretary <br />Mr, David L;.cht <br />Mrs< Kathleen Gl.anzer <br />`Ar< Hanson re~orted thaC Che ptmpose of. the worlcshop was to <br />revi.ew tha Ci.i:y's ordinance as regards ~.industri_al. c{ev~lopmenC <br />busi.n~ss ownerse I~lanson re~orted thaC enforcement. of Che orclinance <br />has become cumbersome. ALso in p~st mect~i.ngs on Chis subject i.t a~s <br />determtned tltat the best approach was Co review the ordinance with <br />busi.ness owners to see if there xvas some common Yrotincl r_haC cou:i.d be <br />reached. <br />Tlie Ylanner reporked that he had some ,1i.des o£ areas of Ryan Industr:i.a1 <br />Park and an i_ndustrial. parlc in Eden Pra:it~~.e. The P1~nner report:e<I Ct~at <br />th~.i> top:i.c f:i.rst came up ~ohen i.t was sug~;ested th;xt a lettcr be sent <br />to the busine~ss owners in the pat~lc and a code enforcc:ment program be <br />SE't uO. <br />Some of the areas of. concern shown on the. sl.i.des taken of 12yan <br />Industria7. P~rk caere lac!< of maintentmce on 1>oulevards, laclc of <br />desi.gnated paricing spaces, l.aek of curb and curb cuts, junk stor~ge <br />anrl l.acJc of< there are inoperabLe vehicles in Che <br />park, no hard-surfaced drivewz~ys, dumpsters i.n tront o~F bui.ld:i.ngs and <br />debree, on-,t:reeC parl<in~a Th~ Planner then pr~sented the Eden 7?rai.rie <br />sJ.i.des. The Pl.~nner reported t:nat Eden Prai.r~i.e has basically Che same <br />code as the Ci4:y of L,ittle Canada, Tha_ Bden Prsirie slides showed <br />landscaping of si.te „, grass ma:i.ntained, hurms, sur£acec(, <br />de.s:i.gnat.ed ~arl,cin~; ar.eas. <br />Mr, Porsberg poi.nted out that r..he tliree ori.ginal bu~i_l.di_ngs in I2yan <br />P~irlc have to have storagE i_n front o't the bui_].dings as there ~is no <br />room in the baclc oP Che bu~i7clin~;s. <br />Mr. 1'etcrson of .Peterson i~~latntenance stated t}iat the P;clen Yrairie <br />businesses appeared to have more proper.•Cy th2n thc buslnr_sses i.n Ry~n <br />Par1c, <br />Page -1- <br />