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D1TNU'1'FS <br />Cit_y Counci.l. <br />Aup,. 29, 1984 <br />The P].annec stated that= he ~aes, Co compare site operat::i.oi~s> <br />'I'he Planner stated that he was ~ointing out what: esi_sts in Ryan Parlc <br />today ancl~ahat exists in otP~er i.ndus[r~iel. plrlc, and Cne. code the Ci.ty <br />has on the books. 'Che planner statFtd C41at_ thc Council. has the r:i.ght <br />to change the code< <br />Mr. l~lainson que,Ci_oned caheCher t6e City shoul.d ina~i.ntai.n Che boulevtirrds <br />in Ryan P~rl< and poi.nted out th~jt tl~e County ma~.i.ritai.ns its bo~il_h~varcls, <br />~`1r. Forsberg staCed that thi_s wus a,e,ray area mnd commente<I thae the <br />CounCy do~, not mai.nC2i.n Cl~e boulevard i.n f'ront of everyone's I~ouse <br />on County streets> <br />r4r. I,ee st~~ted th~C. he iuai.nC~ins the boul.ev~~rds in his parlc. <br />'Che ownec of Ntidwest st:ated th<at the Planner comparecl tl~e two <br />parlcs un[a:l.rl.y anci potnted out that the p:i.etuces of Ryan Partc were <br />tal<en on a dUrtc cloudy day antl Che oCher picCUres on a sunny day< <br />~(r. Pmssberg poi_nted out Chat ther.e has been a lot of. imorovement in <br />RyvlParlc du[ the last month. <br />t4r ~~ahFy staY.ecl that h<. ~aus i.nCerested ~.[n Che abs~nce of defi_ned ~arl.<i.n~; <br />ind 'I.acl of curb cuCs and no paving r~nd no screening, P~ihey st:ated t:hat <br />some of the businessas 7.ook good and others junl<y. Pal~ey f.c1t Chat th~ <br />parlc eould lool< betCer. than i.t cloe,. <br />Mr. Ryan staCecl tPiat Che pol.i.ce woulct that the yards not be <br />screenecl so Chat they loolc i.nto them. Aquaz:imc P4idwest agreed and <br />statecl th~t his tenant hacl a bwrglary and w;ith screcning this 4~ould <br />occur ni.f;l~itl.y. <br />Mr. ltyan po~i.nted ouC that t_here is no room for burminp ~i.n the parlc as <br />there are onl.y 40 foot setbactcs. <br />~1rs, Scalze Ee1t thaC burrning should only be requised i.f shown qn the <br />1anclscape plan. Scalze felt tha.t s~me of, the busi.nesses had very <br />good landscaping. Scal.ze yuesti.oned why some of the businesses had <br />gcass ancl others di_dn't. Scalze stated thaC. she woulcl l,i.lce to revi.ew <br />the si.Ce plans. <br /> P2iclwest stat:ed that. some of tt~ie bueiness~s havF bl.ack dirC and <br />Che others aski. <br />i~rs< Scalze stated ChaC Che.r.e is a:I.ot of parCS st:oraj~e at tlie <br />site and it is Cendin~; towards a salvage yard, exp7.ained the <br />business that his tenent was involved in. Scal.z~ fe7t that there weas <br />1 f:ine heCSaeen parts storac;e and a salva;e yard. <br />A'(v. .Ryan >tated that inost oE the t~u-ildi.n~;s were sold before tl~i~y were <br />complete and tie had intenti.ons of putt~ing thE: grass in, <br />Page -2- <br />