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?rzvtr,rr , o~,, .rrtr srrcznt, ~rt:r~r~:~rc~ <br />cz•rY coun~c~a, <br />t,iT'et,t~, cn~tan~, r~tzv~rrsarn <br />1?ursuant to due call and not~ice thercof a mecting of the <br />Oounci_7. of Y:he City of L,ittl.c Canada, Minnesota was l~e1d on the <br />5t1~~ day of Se,>tembc.r in P:he Counci.l Chamber; o.E t:lie C;i.ty CentE~r <br />locaYed aC 57.5 Little C~nada Yoad in ,ai.d City, <br />September 5, ).9$4 <br />Mayor R.aymond Hanson chtiirecl tiie eneetin~ and cal.].ed it Co order. <br />at 6:33 P.M. and the F.o11.ow:i.~ig were present 2t ro1.7, call.: <br />"qftP-1}SP.RS pr2}'siPl~T: <br />riayor <br /> <br />Counc. i.lrnan <br />Counci.lwoman <br />Counci.lwoman <br />Mr< E2aymond I~Sanson <br />NLr. tlichael ~~ihey <br />~~Ir. Dennis Forsberg <br />Mrs. N:uhs <br />"4rs. ?3everl.y Scalze <br />ALSO PRL?SEid'C: <br />Itecord:ing Sccretary <br />i[rs. I:aChleen Glance~r <br />~4r. }lanson reported that. Che purpose of toni.ght's ~i.s to <br />i~lt.ervi.ew applicants f:or the f>os~i_tion of InspecCOr. 'fhe <br />Ci.ty recci.ved numerous aC~p'Li.cations, howevcr, deCermined that: <br />4 of the applic~nts had t:he nec;essary qual,i.fications for the pos~ition. <br />The Lirst appli.carit was NIr. L,owe7.1. ~a~ovslcy. Mr. Na~ovsky is cureently <br />builcl:i.n„ i.nspector i.n ihe C~.i.ty of 1:as[ Il~Che:l< M~r. Nagovsl.<y in~,Formed <br />CI1e Council l:hat he ,is .a 1'~deral. anc,L 3tate cc,-Li.f~ied C1ass 7,:C liuil.di.n~ <br />Inspectar• anc.l is yua7.i.tiecl ~in both commercitil and, us c.~el.i <br />as re,id~ntial bui.ldin£;. <br />i~tr. Nagov;lcy reported that he is loot<ing E~or more res~ons~ibili.ty than <br />his current: S>osi.ti.on provi.des and [, int:erest,:ed in becoming involved <br />i.n pl, fi.viaCions. <br />N~inovslcy stated Chat. he currentl.y malces ?24,400 ~nnually, cahich includes <br />no fr~i.n~;e benefi-CS and :is i.nt.erested i.n a,a',Lary of ~27,000 annually <br />wi_th benet~its. <br />Mr. Naqovsky :i.s also quaL~if.i.ecl to per.Eorm plumb:inp„ sewer, heating <br />and fire 'i.nspecCi.ons. iQa~,ovstcy also reporGed thaC he does code <br />enforcement :i.n hi.s cur~-ent posi.tion< <br />~1r. Nagovsky lives in the Ci.ty oF Cambri.dg~ and did not fcel 2:hat <br />commutinp to I,i_ttle Canada wotil.d ~res~nt a problem, <br />[lagovslc~ also reportcd thaC he belicve~> hirn,elf to be in excr-_).lent. <br />nhys:i.c~:t healt.h. <br />Council aslced Nir. Na~;ovslcy k~ow l1e ~v~~>u1d 1~i1ndle a s~i.CUation wtiere hc <br />discovered a code vi.olati.on, <br />Pagc --1- <br />