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09-05-84 Council Special Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
09-05-84 Council Special Minutes
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ihPliJ'f7~,S <br />Ci.ty Coimcil. <br />SeE>t. 5, l9£~4 <br />N~govsky N[e. Aa~;ovslcy rrep).ted theC he would make the pax•C:q awarE of tne code <br />(Cont,) nnd 'anvite the.m i.n to di.scuss L}ie matter. Dlagov,lcy st~t:~d that: he <br />tr:i_es t:o r-eason eoi.Ch peo~te. ~]~ioovsicy stat:~d thlt Che eourts shoulcl <br />only lie used ~s ~ l.ast resort. sC.atecl tkiaC he tr~,ies Co qo <br />ouL oF k~is way i.n tliese roa[P_er.s and fe1C that, people usually wi_11~ <br />1~,i.sten to reason especi,~~ll.y in t,he instarice o£ 1i_i`e safety m.atterse <br />Mr. ~'a&ovslcy st~ited that in t.he situaC~ion of f; sa.f.ety, if. a Aroblem <br />arose, Pie woulcl calJ. the State P~ixe PQ~rshal.l. ouC ancl then the matter <br />i.s on the State's back. <br />Counc.~i.1 aslced Na~ovslcy ho~a he wo~ild t~anclle the >i.tuation wt~ere a <br />bu~ilding w~is put up and a iooti.ngs :i.nspection c.r~s noC obta:i.ned. <br />Nagovsky stated thaC if.' he had any qu~ilms about the s~i_tu<~t~i_on, he woulct <br />h~ve [h~~t foot,ings du~ up ancl would inspect them. <br />Council asked Nagovsky if kte attranded 1~o,rCh Stnr Ruilding Inspector <br />meeC,ings. Na~;ovslcy repl.ied tVtai:. he aCtE:nd, wkien he 9~ee1s Che <br />;ueetings anp].y [o hi., s:ituati.on. <br />Mr< Nagovslcy reported 4_hat he has ZS years ~£ experi.ence in the <br />eon5truction :indusC:ry and I years exper.ience :Cn n'anovslcy <br />staCed that tlie only tl' that lie wou'ld have t:o 1e~irn woiild be Che <br />Ciry's Codes. <br />Na~;ovslcy reported that: he ~i.s not a prof.essional p7.~inner, but; ~i.[ he <br />h~id a problem with i.nterprc~:t:ing the~ Ci.ty's ordinance, he woul.d rnect <br />co;i.Ch the Council. so an i.citerpreCt~it:i.on coul.d bE ao,reed on and t}~en <br />~oou'I.d with i.t. Nagovsky stated t:hat t}~e Ci_tq must b~ consistent <br />i.n i.t, r.leal.i.nn,s< <br />Nagovs!<y reporCed chat he would have to p,ive two weeks no~ice to hi.s <br />current employet'. <br />[)a1e Nc;7.son 'Che n<:xC appl.i.cant was Dal.e Diel.son, t9.r. ~~elson caas '[iuil.ding Inspect:or <br />Lor the City oE North,Eic>.ld unCil Pebri.iary of 198~e, at ahicl~ time~he <br />resigned. S:ince thaC time, 24r.. Aelson has been doing some consultat:ion <br />woric an<( s~ndying and updati.n; hi.msclf on codes. <br />Nir. Dtelson reported t.P~at he is ~ Stat:e cert:i.f:ied Auild~i.n4 Znspector <br /> a W z5, SI certif;i.caCion< Nel.son is also cert~,Lf;i.ed in plumbi.n~, <br /> and fire inspections. Nelson staCed thaY. 1ie ~aas <br />hoi.isin~; inspector i.n Northfield, <br />Nelson reported Chat he has had some p7.ann~i.ns; experi.ence, but :is not <br />a plaruier.. <br />Council. asl<ed how Yel.son ~aould handl.e t:he si_t~.iation wk~ere a bui].ding <br />vio].at_ion was cii.scovered, and Che owi~er not mant to eorr.ect iC. <br />Page -2- <br />
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