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n~~l.rttr~rr~;s <br />c;cy r,ouncil <br />icpt. 5, 193~~- Nelson stat~;cl ~haC he ~oou].d discuss +~.he rnEitcer with thF owner and i.t <br />no act~i.on wa> t~icen, he wou7.d red-ta~ [l.~e job. <br />Nel.son Counc;i 1 inlormed ;~ir. Vel.son that tlie Ci_ty has a<lopted Appencl~ix 13. <br />(Cont.) Mr. Nel.son i.nformed tlie Cotmci.l tliat in Yi'i.s past pos~it:~ion kie enforced the <br />Un~f.form Code. <br />Counci.l ,islc~d i_[ 1r, Nelso^ ti•rere to relocate. Mr. Nel.son <br />renl.ied that he was. <br />Dielson ref~or.t~ed thaC lie pasC posi.tion ~aid s24~,000 anriual7.y and <br />i_ricli.ided a city veh~i.cle, k~osp~i_Calzzr.iti_oi1 and ~i.nsurance= <br />~`Iel.,on i.nformed Che Coune~i.1 CLt~iC he has car~entry experience> <br />~elson reported Chat he is cert:if:ied as a mult:i.ple inspe~ctor. <br />T7el.,on reported Chat he was available for work imrnedi.~ite7.y. <br />Ri.cha.rd The next: apoli.cant was IZichard ;<,ruger< Mr, ICru~;er the <br />Kruger Cow~ci.7. thaT_ he is a licensed Ins~ect:or. Kruger is also <br />CaLcin~ the necessary courses for certiLicaCi.on as a plumbi.n; <br />inspector. <br />i•4r. Kruger report:ed that he is currently the paxt-time build:inp., <br />:f.nsoecT.or for t_he Ci.ty of L,e.r,-inp.,ton, IQe is also ~;mp7.oyed by ~.~.~,eicDonal_d's <br />and thc Schoot 1)istr-ict. Mr. Kn.iger reported tltat durin~; the summcr <br />he piit_s i.n 20 eo 'l.5 hours per ~oeelc ez bui.ldi.ri,o, i_nspecCOr, <br />irtr. Krup„er ~lso reported that he and t:he C~i.ty Fldm:i.tiist:rator ace <br />invol.ved :in some pl.ann?.ng dut~ies< P.ruger reZ~orted that he <br />is cr_rti.Eied a> a Mztrs}ial.7.. <br />i~4e. I<ruger~ r<~norted tl~iat he nas a flood reLat:iongh~in with conCractors <br />in the Ci.tq and th~C Lex~i_n~;t:on adopter.l che iJ73C ezboul- a yer;ar. a,o bs,isecl <br />on hi_s recommendat~.i.on. Pdr. Kr.uger reportcd that he i.s firm as ai <br />bi.~i.lding ~i.nsnector, but cai7.i~in~ to ~~~i_ve a 1itt.l.e. <br />The Counci_1. askc:~d 7,:ruger cahat he would do i.n the case of. 2 <br />cocle; v:iolati.on he nris;hc di.scovera ISruger stated tnat he recl-tags a <br />job anri ~ives the conCr~zctor f.i_ve days to aontacC hirn anrl explai.n the <br />s;ituation. <br />'Sruger reporCed thaC he ch~ck„ s:i.te plans in i~i_is curre.nt posi_tion and <br />i.f.` tYie sit:~ plan is not completed, occupancy permit:s are not: i.ssued, <br />Council asl:ed Mr. i,<ruger :Eor his salary expectations. Kruger repl.i<~td <br />tl~at he wou].d 1i.Lce Co leave an oC:,Eer up Co Chc Counc~i7.. <br />Mr. i,<ruger reported ~hat he at~s iri n,ood kicalth. <br />Coi.inci.l. asl<ed Kru~er if he wer.~e com£orCrabLc iri reviewing commercial. <br />and indusl::rl.a7. development:. <br />Pane -3- <br />