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M7~.NU7'GS 0?~ 'flil3 RIiGUi,F~'t. i~i,[?I:TfNG <br />CI7'Y COUTICIL, <br />]_,ti"C't~I.,l', C~NAr)A, ,qIi~l!`?F,SO'CA <br />6eptembe~r ].2, 19~4 <br />Yursuant to due ca11. and not.~i.c.e tiiereof a regu7ar rnee[i.rxc; oE t:)~ie <br />Counc.i.l o£ the Qity o.` L:ittJ.e Cana<ia, 1~[i.nnesota was held on Che. <br />12th day o,i: Sept:ember, 19~54. in the Counc~i.1 Ciiambers of: the Ci_Cy <br />Center 1ocaCed at 515 L,it_t1c. Can~da P,oad :i.n sai.~l Ci.ty. <br />Agenda ~layor Raymond Hanson Che meeCin~ and call.ed i.t Y.o order at <br />Item No, t. 7.33 I?<`i> and the F,oll.oor:in~; wcre present at rol.l. call~ <br />Arenda PqL;i~[I,IiP,~ P?tl;iGN'C: i~ir~yor ~4r. Ra}~monci [lanson <br />:[tern No. 2 Councilman ?~0-o rqi~.hael. 77ahey <br />Councilmai~ Mr, Dennis Forsberg <br />Couitc~i.7.r,aoman hirso Beverl.y 5cal.ze <br />Counci.l.woman ilrs. Fdu~s <br />ALSO T~P.(t$r'NT: Ci.ty C1erlc Nfr. Joseph Chlebeclc <br />Ci_ty Engi.neer Mr, Donald Carley <br />Ci.ty ACtorney IK:r. T_P~oinas Sweeney <br />i?ecord-i.ns; Secretary Mrs. Kath).een Glanzcr <br />Approval h[r.s. ~int;roducecl the resol.uCion and moved :i.ts adopt:iori: <br />o~r •rnP <br />~~tinutes Rr,O[,U'CION >10. 84-9-39£3 - APPROV:[NG <br />--- <br />T14I: nfT..ViJ"fRS OP' 'LAT.? AIIGUST 22, 19£34- COUDICII., <br />A;enda ; (F.~~'CIi~1G <br />Item Dlo. 3 <br />The Lo~-c;oin~ resol.ution ca~s du1.y se.conded by N[r. Por,bero, <br />F1yes (S) Nardin,i., Porsber;, L'uhey, I-lanson, Sc~l.ze, <br />~layes (0). <br />Resolut~i.on dcciarecl adopted. <br />Thf.s resol.u~i.on appeae~s i.n Resolut:i.ori 3oolc No. 1.1, Pa~r,e 4~11.. <br />Im~. No. `[~~yor lianson opened the publi.c hFarin~ on tl~ie asse~ssments for 7mprovement: <br />£S1-7S No, f31--75. Tnere was no one preseni: oi~j~cti_n,e, Co the assessments for <br />thi.s i.rnnrovr.ment. ~ <br />A,n,enda <br />Item l~o< ~~ 'ir. 'I:'+al,tey ~i.ntroduced the foll.owin~ resoluti.on and moroed i_ts ad.opti_on: <br />RiiSO,i.,UTI0D1 NO> f34-9-399 - CI,OSiNG THE <br />I'UBC.,TC lI~ARI~iG ON :[i~1,"ROVE'~1P',t~IT DIO. ?31-1 i <br />'Che mras duly secondec( by Mrs. Nardini. <br />Ayes (i) ;~ahey, Nardin:i, H~mson, Sc.a7.zc, }?orsbers;. <br />P~ayes (0). <br />Reso7.uti.on declared adopted. <br />This resolut;ion appe.ars in ResoluCi.on 73oot< No. 11, Pa~;e 4:1.2. <br />Page ~-1- <br />